194 Kate D Adamson, Blue Futurist, Futurenautics

The Blue Economy  
Part 2 of my conversation with Kate D Adamson focuses on what ESG means for the shipping and maritime industry. 

We need to start talking about the Blue Economy and what opportunities lay there instead of the segments of everything like we do today. Once we change our mindset, that’s when we can become a sustainable industry.

Kate underlines that we need to pivot. We do that by

  • Purpose/Values
  • Interdependence
  • Openness
  • Trust

There are so many titbits in this episode. It’s worth...


150 Peggy Hoegh Grays, Senior project manager, Author

Welcome to the 150th episode of the Shipping Podcast, where you meet Peggy Hoegh Grays, Senior project manager, Author who has written a book describing all the different occupations available in the maritime industry. If you want to add the job description of the job you currently have, please email Peggy at [email protected] so she can add you to her book “The maritime industry, an ocean of opportunity”. 

Peggy is a Senior project manager and she loves her job. She loves is as much that...


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