New container vessels have been delivered to owners in the Netherlands, Norway, and Singapore. A Taiwanese company orders six methanol-ready 2,400TEU ships. Finally, a Russian design firm unveils a new concept vessel that can also transport dry cargo. X-Press Feeders takes delivery of 7,000TEU newbuild from Chinese yard Singapore shipping company X-Press Feeders has taken […]
Vertom Group
Netherlands’ Vertom welcomes fifth cargo vessel in series
Dutch shipping company the Vertom Group recently took delivery of the fifth unit in a series of twelve 7,280DWT cargo vessels built by Thecla Bodewes Shipyards. As with earlier sisters Vertom Cyta and Vertom Tomma, Vertom Anette was designed with an optimised hull form and hybrid diesel-electric...
VESSEL REVIEW | Vertom Cyta – Hybrid multi-purpose cargo ships to be modified for future fuels
Dutch shipping company the Vertom Group has taken delivery of two new multi-purpose cargo vessels built by compatriot shipyard Thecla Bodewes. Vertom Cyta and Vertom Tomma are the second and third ships in a series of ten 7,000DWT vessels ordered by Vertom from the same yard. All ten ships in the...
Vertom welcomes 3rd methanol/hydrogen-ready electric bulker
Dutch short sea shipping company Vertom Group has taken delivery of the third dry bulk vessel built by compatriot Thecla Bodewes Shipyards, MV Vertom Tomma.
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VIDEO: Vertom launches 3rd methanol/hydrogen-ready electric bulker
Dutch short sea shipping company Vertom Group has launched the third dry bulk vessel being built by compatriot Thecla Bodewes Shipyards, MV Vertom Tomma.
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Dutch shipowners rally behind wind-propulsion
Four Dutch shipowners will pioneer the 3rd generation of VentoFoils produced by eConowind, becoming […]
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Vertom splashes 2nd methanol/hydrogen-ready electric bulker
Dutch short sea shipping company Vertom Group has launched the second in a series of six diesel-electric dry bulk vessels being built by compatriot Thecla Bodewes Shipyards.
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