EPA: New vessel discharge rule in works

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) yesterday proposed standards to reduce the environmental impact of discharges, such as ballast water, that are incidental to the normal operation of commercial vessels. When finalized, says EPA, the new rule will streamline the current patchwork of federal, state, and local requirements that apply to the commercial vessel community and will better protect U.S. waters.

EPA is proposing to establish national standards of performance for incidental...


EPA proposes standards to reduce impact of discharges from commercial vessels

A USCG inspector peers through a refractometer at a sample of ballast water. USCG photo.

Yesterday, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed standards to reduce the environmental impact of discharges, such as ballast water, that are incidental to the normal operation of commercial vessels.

When finalized, the new rule will streamline the current patchwork of federal, state, and local requirements that apply to the commercial vessel community and better protect our nation’s marine waters, the EPA said.

“This proposal marks an important milestone in the Trump administration’s...


Senate passes vessel discharge legislation

The legislation will give vessel owners and mariners the certainty of a nationally consistent regulatory system, waterway advocates say. Ken Hocke photo

The American Waterways Operators (AWO) welcomes Senate passage of the Vessel Incidental Discharge Act (VIDA) as part of the Frank LoBiondo Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2018, which passed the Senate on Wednesday by a bipartisan vote of 94-6.

VIDA is bipartisan legislation that will streamline a broken regulatory system in which commercial vessels moving vital maritime commerce on U.S. waterways are subject to inconsistent and duplicative vessel discharge regulations from 25 states and two...
