The Gulf’s Top-10 Ship Owners

An in-depth look at the leading players shaping the GCC’s maritime industry and newbuilding trends

Using VesselsValue data, we take a look at the fleet owned by nations within the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), shining a spotlight on the top 10 newbuilding buyers in 2024, the most popular vessel types ordered, and the most prominent owners in the region.

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Of the top owners within the GCC, taking into accountboth the live fleet and on order, Qatar GasTransport Co iscurrently the top GCC company...

VesselsValue: Η ελληνική πλοιοκτησία με $103,7 δισ. διαθέτει τον ακριβότερο στόλο με πλοία μεταφοράς ενέργειας

Ο ελληνόκτητος στόλος είναι τρίτος σε αξία παγκοσμίως με 188,1 δισεκατομμύρια δολάρια πίσω από την Κίνα (255,2) και την Ιαπωνία (231,4)

Container sector spearheads a bullish year for global shipping

Veson Nautical’s 2024 End-Of-Year-Report states container sector driving high prices

The last 12 months have seen values rise to near-record levels across several sectors of the shipping industry, fuelled by the post-covid shipping boom and a strong newbuild market according to Veson Nautical’s ‘2024 End- Of-Year-Report.

The report states that the newbuild market experienced continued growth, with a notable rise in orders, particularly in the Post/Panamax and Capesize sectors. Chinese dominance...

Tanker market slows as market uncertainty and high values create headwinds

The bull market for tanker vessels that has been witnessed for most of 2024 is showing signs of slowing down according to a new report by maritime valuation and data provider VesselsValue, a Veson Nautical solution.

The report: ‘High tide ebbs for tanker market amid uncertainty and high values’, states that despite 2024 tanker values hovering around the highest levels since 2009, the fourth quarter of the year has witnessed sales dip sharply.

Count of Tanker Sales 2023-Present

Source: VesselsValue,...

Greek vessel owners take US$18 billion gas gamble

Greek ship owners have spent an unprecedented US$18 billion on newbuild gas vessels since 2021 as companies diversify their portfolios away from traditional tanker, bulker and container asset classes, according to new research by VesselsValue, the data intelligence arm of maritime data and freight management solutions provider Veson Nautical.

A new report “Greek Speculative S&P Investments” states that around US$13.8 billion of the figure has been spent on 59 liquefied natural gas (LNG) vessels,...

VesselsValue: «Μια ξαφνική διακοπή των επιθέσεων των Χούθι θα επηρεάσει αρνητικά τη ναυτιλία»

Ανάλυση για το μέλλον της ναυλαγοράς για τέσσερις κατηγορίες πλοίων, φορτηγά, δεξαμενόπλοια, μεταφοράς εμπορευματοκιβωτίων και υγραεριοφόρα

HMM follows MSC and CMA CGM, turning to pre-owned boxships

High charter costs have made HMM join two giant ocean carriers MSC and CMA CGM in buying elderly secondhand feeder ships.

HMM’s spokesperson told Container News that the company is currently in discussions to buy three 2005-built feeder ships. These are MPC Container Ships’ 2,500 TEU AS Paola and Regional Container Lines’ 2,400 TEU Wanda Bhum and Xutra Bhum.

HMM’s spokesperson said, “HMM actively seeks fleet expansion and diversification possibilities. We are considering second-hand boxships for...

U.S. still world’s number 4 shipowning nation

VesselsValue has unveiled its list of this year’s top 10 shipowning nations, based on the total asset values of vessels and their country of beneficial ownership.

Rebecca Galanopoulos-Jones, senior content analyst, Veson Nautical (which acquired VesselsValue last year says that “from Japan’s resolute leadership in the top position with a USD 206.3 billion fleet to the emergence of Hong Kong at $44.7 billion, asset values and ownership strategies have changed considerably over the last 12 months.”

Κορεατικά Ναυπηγεία: Οι Έλληνες εφοπλιστές οι μεγαλύτεροι πελάτες με 124 πλοία και συνολική αξία $18,99 δισ.

Με αφορμή την έναρξη των συνεδρίων KOBC και Marine Money στη Νότια Κορέα, ρίχνουμε μια ματιά στο βιβλίο παραγγελιών της Νότιας Κορέας, χρησιμοποιώντας τα δεδομένα της VesselsValue. Το infographic αναλύει την κατανομή των πλοίων που έχουν παραγγελθεί στη Νότια Κορέα, τα κορυφαία κράτη που παραγγέλνουν, τις βασικές εταιρείες που επενδύουν σε νοτιοκορεατικά νεότευκτα πλοία, τα πιο πολύτιμα πλοία που έχουν παραγγελθεί και το ποσοστό των πλοίων διπλού καυσίμου που κατασκευάζονται.

Συνοπτικά, σύμφωνα...