Some truckers to haul their most important load of the year for Wreaths Across America

Hundreds of truck drivers will get behind the wheel later this month hauling, for what is for many drivers, their most important load of the year.

The drivers will be hauling loads for Wreaths Across America, the nonprofit that places wreaths on the gravestones of veterans. This year, more than 800 drivers will deliver wreaths to more than 4,900 locations across the United States and its territories. 

“This whole mission is a great mission but it doesn’t happen without the trucking industry,”...

Hiring veterans: Lifting up those who serve

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Carriers are always on the hunt for skilled drivers. This effort often leads to recruiting initiatives focused on winning over specific groups of people, including women, young adults and veterans. Veterans, in particular, stand out as promising potential drivers thanks to their dedication, work ethic and valuable life experiences.

The trucking industry’s perpetually high turnover rates – coupled with the freight recession coming to an end – have created an energetic recruiting environment. With...

Trucking industry helps veterans find purpose after service

Many veterans have taken jobs in the trucking industry after leaving the military. The transition to civilian life hasn’t always been easy for them, but some have found healing by selflessly helping to improve the lives of fellow veterans. Here are three stories of veterans and company leaders who have assisted ex-soldiers in finding employment and set up nonprofit organizations to support them.

Starting over with Melton

When Gus Corona left the Air Force after 24 years of serving his country,...

Honor the fallen by living — Taking the Hire Road

In this week’s episode of Taking the Hire Road, host Jeremy Reymer, founder and CEO of DriverReach, is joined by Sarah Lee, a combat veteran and founder of Waypoint Vets. 

After returning home from active military duty, Lee found herself filling each day with activities to keep her mind off of events she witnessed during her service.

“I kept myself as busy as I could. I pursued three degrees, started a photography business — anything I could do to fill the days,” she said. “When I would slow...

Vet Coalition Aims to Get Veterans, Family Members to Sign Up As Poll Workers

Spc. Grace Hayes, an intelligence analyst assigned to 3rd Infantry Division, reads a Federal Voting Assistance Program brochure at Fort Stewart, Georgia, May 31, 2022. U.S. Army Photo

A veterans-led coalition launched a national campaign Tuesday to recruit 100,000 veterans and military family members to sign up as election poll workers in their communities.

The Vet The Vote coalition’s campaign is intended to help address a “critical” shortage of poll workers across the country ahead of the fall...

FreightWaves Carrier Summit: Military hiring initiatives (with video)

A photograph of two men conducting a virtual meeting.

Veterans who become truck drivers — and the carriers that hire them — discover that there’s a lot in common between serving in the military and driving a big rig, according to JIm Morbach, vice president of field and government recruiting for Werner Enterprises (NYSE: WERN).

Morbach was interviewed by Matt Beach, vice president of sales for SeatMyTrucks, to discuss military hiring in a virtual fireside chat that was part of the FreightWaves Carrier Summit on Thursday.

Former military personnel...

Spare change: Pilot Co. helps vets while easing coin shortage

Trucks under PIlot canopy

The Pilot Co. is inviting customers to round up their purchases to the nearest dollar at its travel plaza stores, with proceeds helping veterans through the nonprofit Call of Duty Endowment while easing a coin shortage brought on by the coronavirus pandemic.

Pilot and Flying J travel centers, and One9 Fuel Network stores are participating in the two-week campaign through July 13. In all, 700 company-operated stores in the U.S. are taking part, including EZ Trip, Mr. Fuel, Stamart and Pride....

New Trump order eases transition from military to maritime jobs

A Navy officer supervises as a 60-ton M1 Abrams tank is lowered during a delivery at Aquaba, Jordan, in 2014. Marine Corps photo/MSgt. Will Price.

The U.S. Maritime Administration’s Military to Mariner program got a boost from the White House in March when President Trump signed an executive order to help sea-going military veterans transition to life and work in the civilian merchant marine.

Signed March 4, the order would waive government-issued licensing fees and allow military sea experience to count toward merchant mariner credentialing, reforms sought by the maritime industry and veteran’s groups.

Trump said the order achieves two...