Pro-Palestinian blockade at Melbourne port terminal broken up by police

Victorian Police broke up a pro-Palestinian demonstration at the gates of a port terminal in Melbourne earlier this week. Protestors blocked the Victoria International Container Terminal at Webb Dock from […]

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VICT finalises Enterprise Agreement with the MUA, AMOU and CEPU

Photo credit: Cytonn Photography via Unsplash

By Victoria International Container Terminal

Victoria International Container Terminal has completed its collective bargaining negotiations with the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA), Australian Maritime Officers Union (AMOU) and Communications, Electrical, Electronic, Energy, Information, Postal, Plumbing and Allied Services Union of Australia (CEPU).

The new proposed enterprise agreement has been successfully voted in by the company’s Operational and...

Melbourne port strike suspended, while DP World ends lengthy dispute with union

The industrial action at Melbourne’s Victoria International Container Terminal (VICT) has been suspended.
And, in a rare double-header of good news for delay-hit Aussie shippers, DP World has finally ended its protracted dispute with the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA).
The union began a strike at ICTSI’s VICT on Friday, but the Fair Work Commission (FWC) issued an interim-order suspending the action early Saturday morning.
The Container Transport Alliance of Australia (CTAA) said: “CTAA …


MUA strike action at port of Melbourne under fire for its ‘bad timing’

In a new blow to Australia’s buckling container supply chains, industrial action at Victoria International Container Terminal (VICT) in Melbourne began today.
The action by the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) includes a series of 12-hour work stoppages at the ICTSI-operated facility.
Situated at Melbourne’s Webb Dock, VICT handles around 1m teu a year – a third of the port’s throughput – and is Australia’s only fully automated container terminal.
The MUA said …

The post MUA strike action at...

Industrial action imminent at Melbourne – tomorrow, Friday, Sunday, next Monday

Pictured: a container yard seen from overhead; Chuttersnap via Unsplash

A stoppage of work is due to take place tomorrow, Tuesday 16 February, for a period of four hours at the Victorian International Container Terminal. A 12-hour strike is due on Friday 19 February from 18:00. Back-to-back strikes are due from Sunday 21 February at 06:00 am and will run for 36 hours.

On Monday 22 February, VICT’s control room will be unable to operate cranes unless the operations of each crane is manned by a...

Serious industrial action at port of Melbourne on the way, VICT warns

Industrial action looks set to return to the port of Melbourne after the Maritime Union of Australia notified the terminal that its members would strike next week in a dispute over wages at the port’s Victoria International Container Terminal (VICT). The facility is Australia’s first box terminal to deploy automation and has long been a particular source of ire for the MUA. Liner body Shipping Australia has published an analysis of the dispute, concluding that the new wage demands could …


Fury at Australian ports as terminal operators impose sudden access fee hikes

Stevedores in Australia have implemented “staggering” increases to terminal access charges and road and rail operators are lobbying for their cancellation.
On Monday, Hutchison Ports increased the charge on all containers delivered to and from its Brisbane facility by 90% to A$94.78 (US$68).
And, from Saturday, ICTSI’s Victoria International Container Terminal (VICT) in Melbourne will impose a 7% increase to A$131.03 per container, still the most expensive national charge.
The move by Hutchison...

Australian box terminal operators offset falling volumes by hiking fees

Australia’s terminal operators have offset dwindling container volumes and quayside revenue by hiking controversial ‘port infrastructure’ charges.
According to the Container stevedoring monitoring report 2018-19, published today by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), throughput at the country’s terminals increased just 0.2% to 7.88m teu – the second lowest rate in a decade.
Furthermore, full container lifts fell 4.9%, compared with a 14.6% uptick in empty container lifts.

Australian stevedores are ‘turning on the money tap again’

Terminal operators in Australia have been accused of “turning on the money tap again,” following new “port infrastructure” surcharges and steep hikes to vehicle booking system (VBS) fees. 
According to the Container Transport Alliance Australia (CTAA), from 1 July VBS slot fees at DP World terminals increased 88%, to A$12.95 (US$9.04), and at Patrick Terminals by 73%, to A$13, with neither fee including Australia’s general sales tax (GST).  
“These price rises come on top …

The post Australian...