Vitol Bunkers Unveils Green Bunker Fuels Offering

  • Vitol Bunkers announces the launch of Green Bunker Fuels.
  • It is for customers looking to mitigate their carbon emissions

Vitol Bunkers announces the launch of Green Bunker Fuels for customers looking to mitigate their carbon emissions, says a press release published by Vitol.

Vitol Bunkers Offering

Vitol Bunkers customers will be offered the opportunity to cancel emissions associated with any given cargo through the overlay of Verified Emissions Reductions (VERs). The VERs will conform to the...

Global Bunkering Service Launched by Vitol

  • Vitol today announces the launch of a global bunkering service, Vitol Bunkers.
  • Vitol Bunkers will offer ship and fleet owners worldwide access to high quality marine fuels, blended to meet required specifications.
  • Customers will benefit from Vitol’s global reach, infrastructure and commensurate supply capabilities.

A recent news article published in the Vitol reveals that Vitol is launching global bunkering service.

Vitol Global Bunkering

Vitol Global Bunkering Account Manager Chris Young,...

Global Spot Dirty Tankers’ Fixtures Declined 16% In 2020

Global spot dirty tankers’ fixtures declined 16% year on year to 8,101 in 2020 but Unipec, Shell and Vitol have retained their positions as the top three charterers, according to data collated by global shipping brokerage and consultancy, Poten and Partners, says an article published in S&P GLOBAL.

Estimations About Dirty Tankers

Unipec had an estimated 966 dirty tankers spot fixtures in 2020, or an 18% share in the total number of cargoes, followed by Shell and Vitol, which had 478 and 417...