LNG Prices Plummet To Lowest Levels In Years!

Credits: Zbynek Burival/Unsplash

Fuel is one of the biggest costs in ocean shipping, and fuel pricing has seen some big changes in recent months, featuring new dynamics that haven’t been seen in years. Prior to the IMO 2020 regulation implemented on Jan. 1, 2020, most of the world’s commercial ships ran on 3.5% sulfur fuel known as high sulfur fuel oil (HSFO). Ships with exhaust-gas scrubbers can continue to burn HSFO under IMO 2020, while others — the majority of the commercial fleet — have...


Comparison of Bunker Prices HSFO vs VLFSO

  • A dramatic slowing of the global economy this year as a result of the coronavirus pandemic has ensured the previously predicted 20% to 40% increase in bunker costs.
  • It is due to the factor that IMO 2020 has failed to materialize.
  • Instead, while the global bunker market in 2020 saw a considerably wider spread of prices than in 2019.
  • Overall prices during the last year were 7% lower than the preceding year, according to data from Ship & Bunker.

According to a recent news article published in...


Singapore Witnesses Narrow Gasoil Premium Over VLSFO

  • LSMGO premium over VLSFO has averaged $6.58/t down from as high as $55/t in Singapore.
  • Although both fuels are IMO2020 compatible, most shipowners prefer the higher viscosity of VLSFO.
  • The lower gasoil viscosity can lead to stability issues, which can be an issue especially for longer, intercontinental journeys.

The premium of low-sulphur marine gasoil (LSMGO) over very-low sulphur fuel oil (VLSFO) in Singapore has averaged $6.58/t so far this month, down from as high as $55/t in July this...


Transition To 0.5% Fuel, the Biggest Challenge in Marine Industry

  • Many predictions were made in the run up to the imposition of the MARPOL 2020 sulphur cap.
  • None of which was that the transition to Very Low Sulphur Fuel Oil (VLSFO) would be smooth sailing.
  • From Gard’s experience, the transition has been smoother than many predicted but not without challenges.

Siddharth Mahajan and Louis Shepherd elaborate on the IMO 2020: A review of the transition to VLSFOs for the Gard.  A detailed review is as follows.


In 2019, there were numerous...
