Washington state agrees to dismiss meal/rest break appeal

trucks and truck stop

The state of Washington agreed last week to dismiss an appeal of a decision that found the state’s truck driver meal and rest break (MRB) rules are preempted by federal hours-of-service (HOS) regulations.

The appeal was filed in December 2020 with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, a month after the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration decided in support of a petition filed by the Washington Trucking Associations (WTA) that FMCSA’s driver work rules preempt Washington...


Washington state issues emergency outdoor heat exposure rule for workers

Farm worker under the hot sun, drinking water.

Washington state has rolled out an emergency rule that provides outdoor workers more protections from heat-related illnesses.

Washington followed in Oregon’s footsteps. That state’s Occupational Safety and Health division Thursday finalized a new temporary emergency rule. It went into effect immediately and will stay in place for 180 days.

Related: Protecting America’s infrastructure workers during summer heat waves

“In the face of an unprecedented heat wave in the Pacific Northwest — and tragic...
