Containerized solar water farms provide clean water, jobs for locals

GivePower's Solar Water Farm Max is shown, which has a solar panel roof above a desalination system and water tanks.

More than 2 billion people globally lack access to clean drinking water, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Nonprofit organization GivePower is aiming to reduce that number by using the sun’s energy, shipping containers, desalination technology and local supply chains.

GivePower builds and delivers containerized solar-powered water farms that desalinate salty water. The organization focuses on areas where “there’s an immediate and growing need for better access to safe...

New Amendments For The Sea Pollution Fines in Turkish Waters


Pollution fines for Turkish waters have been amended regarding to Environmental Code with a new law numbered 7410 published in the Official Gazette on 15 June 2022.

Categories of Marine Pollution:
1. Sewage water
2. water mixed with detergent
3. foam
4. exhaust gas
5. washwater
6. similar washing waters and solid wastes.



a) Most important amendment is twofold fine will be implemented if the marine pollution occured by the vessel in the Special Protected Areas such as Istanbul Strait,...

Reckless Shipwreck Pollutes Sea With Tons of Plastic

  • The Singapore-registered container ship MV X-Press Pearl, carrying hundreds of tons of chemicals and plastics, sinks after burning for almost two weeks, just outside Colombo’, Sri Lanka’s harbor.
  • Sri Lanka announced an investigation Thursday into a possible oil slick reported off its west coast, where a container ship is submerged after burning for 13 days.

Coast Conservation Minister Nalaka Godahewa said local experts were asked to examine an oil patch of about 3.6 million square feet where...

[Infographic] What Led To The Creation Of The Great Pacific Garbage Patch?

Every year 6.4 million tons of plastic are dumped into the ocean. 100,000 marine life die each year from plastic entanglement. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a collection of marine debris in the North Pacific Ocean. 80% of the debris is from land-based activities in North America and China. It would take 67 ships and one year to clean up less than 1% of the North Pacific Ocean. Learn about our plastic problem and how you can lessen it’s impact on the planet, reports Maritime Cyprus.

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Shipping Rules Cleanses Air, Yet Clashes With Water

  • A 2020 regulation aimed at cutting sulfur emissions from ship exhaust is prompting many owners to install scrubbing systems that capture pollutants in water and then dump some or all of the waste into the sea.
  • Researchers are particularly worried about discharges in areas that IMO has designated as ecologically sensitive.

In an unwelcome twist, a global effort to curb pollution from the heavy fuel oil burned by most big ships appears to be encouraging water pollution instead, says an article...

Ship Operator And Two Cargo Ship Engineers Face Federal Charges In Water Pollution Case

CMA CGM Amazon

A Greek cargo ship operator and two chief engineers of one of its ships have been named in a five-count federal indictment charging them with failing to record the illegal dumping of oily waste into international waters and then obstructing justice by ordering the ship’s crew to lie about it.

A federal grand jury returned the indictment on Thursday against:

  • Capital Ship Management Corporation, a ship management company based in Piraeus, Greece;
  • Ioan Luca, 54, a Romanian national and from October...