Emissions Below Waterline Becomes a Bone Of Contention At The World Ocean Council

  • The global maritime industry is making significant progress in the fight to reduce ship greenhouse gasses.
  • But it should not lose sight of what’s going on below the waterline.
  • The issue was raised in the World Ocean Council (WOC).

Speaking in Barcelona on the first day of the WOC’s Sustainable Ocean Summit, Thordon’s Vice-President of Business Development said: “There are today a number of initiatives looking at reducing emissions above the waterline, but not so many looking at preventing...


Reduce The Risk Waterline To Re-Engage Post-Pandemic Employees

Every organisation that has survived the pandemic has adopted a crisis management strategy as reported by Forbes.

Threat to water lines 

Senior leadership tightened the reins and deliberated their decisions more as the costs for making mistakes rose. While it was the correct course of action, those leaders now need to relinquish some control and allow others to make more decisions. Doing so will effectively lower the waterline and return more decisions to guidelines rather than temporary...
