More than 50 shipping companies offer Wellness at Sea programme to crews, families and shore staff

More than 50 shipping companies offer Wellness at Sea programme to crews, families and shore staff 

Andy Scaysbrook Photographer/ Not On My Watch Campaign

More than 50 shipping companies are getting on board Sailors’ Society’s Wellness at Sea Awareness programme: giving their crews, their families and shore staff vital wellness training and support to help them physically and mentally cope with the stresses of the pandemic. 

The 27-week programme starts this week, providing a series of resources...

A Timeline Of The Maritime Industry’s Initiatives For The Wellbeing Of Seafarers

Since the start of the pandemic, crew wellness has topped the industry agenda with international shipping bodies, unions and associations vowing for a fairer treatment of seafarers, reports Safety4Sea.

What actions has the industry taken to resolve this humanitarian crisis?

While crews remain trapped on their ‘floating prisons’ for consecutive months in breach of MLC, and amid reports of increased anxiety or even suicides, the maritime sees the launch of several initiatives aimed to show it cares...

Seaspan and Sailors’ Society mark five-year Wellness at Sea partnership delivering mental health support to crew

Thousands of crew have benefitted from Sailors’ Society’s Wellness at Sea programme, which aims to help seafarers keep physically and mentally fit for a long and productive career with their company.

Seaspan and Sailors’ Society mark five-year Wellness at Sea partnership delivering mental health support to crew 

International maritime welfare charity Sailors’ Society recently marked the fifth year of its longstanding Wellness at Sea partnership with containership operator and manager, Seaspan...

Ship-visiting charities boost seafarers’ mental health

It is known that being a seafarer is a challenging work, while it might be one of the toughest jobs in the world. Although the shipping industry recognizes the daily difficulties that seafarers are dealing with, several organizations can’t cover all eventualities.

On top of the long separation from your loved ones your job can also be dangerous, mentally and physically demanding, and lonely. Serious accidents, fatalities and suicides are more common in your industry than most others, as are...

Steps to protect mariner wellbeing aboard ships during COVID-19

Due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic, the maritime industry once again faces a great challenge to overcome this unprecedented situation for stranded seafarers.Our seafarers are ON BOARD BUT they must NOT feel ALONE, highlights Mrs Maria Christopoulou, Associate of ASCOT Consulting.

As a high priority, shipping companies, trade organizations and governments need to collaborate to protect the hundreds of thousands of seafarers confined on board vessels scattered all over the world, with no, or...

Vessel hygiene to prevent COVID-19 spread

During the COVID-19 pandemic, more than ever maintaining a good housekeeping onboard can help prevent the virus spread. In view of this, the American P&I Club reminds key tips which are important to follow in general for a safe workplace onboard a vessel.

The appearance of ships and shipboard equipment on the outside suggests how well things are operating on the inside, and more importantly contributes to the health, safety and happiness of the vessel and crew.

”Housekeeping oversights rarely go...

Emergency funding campaign launched for developing world seafarers

ISWAN announced launch of a charity crowdfunding campaign to raise funds for developing world seafarers and their families that have been severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

All funds raised will go to UK-based crew welfare charity ISWAN, and dispersed through ISWAN’s Seafarers Emergency Fund (SEF), in order to support seafarers from the poorer regions of the world.

The COVID-19 outbreak has brought a real challenge for those seafarers, for instance:

  • Many are in lockdown with casual...

ITF supports seafarers and maintain welfare services hit by COVID-19

The ITF Seafarers’ Trust  announced the launch of an emergency fund to address the impact of the global pandemic on seafarers and their families. The so called ITFST Covid-19 Welfare Fund also aims to provide a lifeline for welfare services at risk due to the financial impact the virus has had on business and fundraising and activities.

In particular, the fund  has two main purposes:

  • to facilitate fast grant payments for specific projects to alleviate hardship, stress and isolation of seafarers...

Femfi focuses on seafarers mental health issues

According to the Manila Times, Far East Maritime Foundation Inc. (Femfi) in Philippines, held a mental health awareness campaign for seafarers, so as to avoid suicide incidents. Specifically, the initiative addressed how to ensure seafarers’ ability to work productively while improve their mental health.

In light of the situation, Femfi President, Cielito Ferias informed that Far East has tend its focus on several campaigns and projects for a healthy mental lifestyle of seafarers through the...

Fatigue in the harbour towage sector reported

In its latest issue, CHIRP discusses the issue of fatigue, after receiving a report from a seafarer working in the harbour towage sector about the working and rest hours and the feeling of fatigue received from their co-workers.

According to the report, all crew work 7 days on and 7 days off. The main issue is that crews can and regularly work 14 hours in a 24-hour period, with 10 remaining hours of rest. Although the reporter comments that this is not unusual, twice a week the rest hours can be...