Ship-visiting charities boost seafarers’ mental health

It is known that being a seafarer is a challenging work, while it might be one of the toughest jobs in the world. Although the shipping industry recognizes the daily difficulties that seafarers are dealing with, several organizations can’t cover all eventualities.

On top of the long separation from your loved ones your job can also be dangerous, mentally and physically demanding, and lonely. Serious accidents, fatalities and suicides are more common in your industry than most others, as are...

Femfi focuses on seafarers mental health issues

According to the Manila Times, Far East Maritime Foundation Inc. (Femfi) in Philippines, held a mental health awareness campaign for seafarers, so as to avoid suicide incidents. Specifically, the initiative addressed how to ensure seafarers’ ability to work productively while improve their mental health.

In light of the situation, Femfi President, Cielito Ferias informed that Far East has tend its focus on several campaigns and projects for a healthy mental lifestyle of seafarers through the...

USCG medevacs captain exhibiting symptoms of possible heart attack

The US Coast Guard (USCG) medevaced a man from a cargo vessel that was sailing approximately 25 miles off the coast of Ocean City, Maryland, after reports of experiencing symptoms of a possible heart attack.

Specifically, the crewmembers aboard the Panamanian flagged cargo ship Balsa 84, which was in route to the Delaware Bay area, came into contact with watchstanders at Coast Guard Sector Delaware Bay’s command center at approximately 10:20 a.m., when they reported that the 61-year-old Filipino...

Nautilus: Availability for women sanitary products onboard is crucial

During a TUC Women’s Conference in London, the topic of discussion focused on women’s menstrual products and the obstacles women in shipping face during menstrual days when onboard.

The discussions around menstrual products have been on the spotlight the past couple years, with many supporting the decrease of VAT on sanitary products.

Nautilus delegates to the Conference gathered support for a motion calling for sanitary products to be available for free in the UK. The motion has been proposed by...

SAFETY4SEA Crew Wellness Survey: How happy are seafarers onboard?

Life onboard has its own unique characteristics but is a demanding task for those who opt for it. As soon as the industry realized that crew wellness affects safety and efficiency of operations, maritime stakeholders have shed their focus on finding ways to address the issue. In this context, SAFETY4SEA conducted a survey aiming to assess the five key aspects of wellness for people working onboard: Social, Emotional, Physical, Intellectual and Spiritual. Overall, the outcome was better than...

KVH boosts seafarers’ communication with free VoIP calls

Seafarers onboard ships with KVH VSAT service installed, will from now on have the chance to make free Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) calls to ISWAN’s confidential 24-hour SeafarerHelp phone line. In fact, KVH VSAT informed that will place the free VoIP calls, in order to encourage seafarers’ communication while at sea.

For the records, ISWAN’s SeafarerHelp line is an initiative which boosts the mental health of seafarers globally. The helpline is completely confidential and available 24...

Case study: Chief Engineer fears for his life after experiencing harassment

Human Rights at Sea recently issued a case of bullying and harassment towards an Indian Chief Engineer from a Turskish Master onboard a Marshall Islands flagged vessel. In fact, the case remains redacted and the identities are protected, since the matter is under investigation by Human Rights at Sea.

The case

On the 15th November 2019, the Chief Engineering joined the vessel, which is owned and operated by a Turkish company in Istabul.

It is reported that during a bunkering operation in Djibouti...

8 tips on maintaining galley hygiene onboard due to coronavirus

MCTC, global catering and training provider, launched several guidance to galley crew, given the global outbreak of the coronavirus, providing advice on how to stay protected and maintain a healthy environment in line with the vessel or port restrictions.

In fact, the outbreak has made news headlines after the first incident was reported in Wuhan, China, in December and the virus spread rapidly in the globe.

Common signs of the Coronavirus include

  • respiratory symptoms,
  • fever,
  • cough,
  • shortness of...

SAFETY4SEA London Forum focuses on seafarers’ needs and shipping sustainability

The second SAFETY4SEA London Forum successfully concluded on Wednesday 12th of February 2020 at the Hellenic Centre, London UK.

The event was organized by SAFETY4SEA having as sponsors the following organizations: CR Ocean Engineering, ERMA FIRST, Green-Jakobsen A/S, MarineTraffic, RightShip, RISK4SEA, SQEMARINE, Standard P&I Club, and World-Link Communications. Supporters of the event included Maritime London, Hellenic Engineers Society of Great Britain, INTERCARGO, IWSA, Sailors’ Society, and...

Understanding Fatigue: Making a healthy lifestyle part of our day-to-day lives

To enjoy a good quality of life, we must ensure that we are healthy and strong. Health is wealth; when we prefer making healthy choices, these become habits and part of our daily life and in turn, the benefits are many. A healthy lifestyle can make a big difference and therefore, putting physical fitness and a healthy diet on top is vital.