Greece in the World today

Honoured to participate among world acclaimed Greeks in today’s programme organised by Thanasis Houpis of Voice of Greece / ERT and cover the despicable attacks against Merchant ships by the Houthi and others in the Red Sea and elsewhere:

“Η Ελλάδα στον κόσμο” με τον Θανάση Χούπη | 18.03.2025

“Η Ελλάδα στον κόσμο” με τον Θανάση Χούπη | 18.03.2025

“Η Ελλάδα στον κόσμο” με τον Θανάση Χούπη | 18.03.2025

Our part is between 20’42” and 28’02”.

With Greek Ocean Going Shipping being number one on...

SEA GUARDIAN Threat & Risk Assessment 01 – 07 March 2025

John (Ioannis) Pavlopoulos, President Sea Guardian SG Ltd., Vice Admiral (ret.) H.N. , Honorary Commander in Chief of the Hellenic Fleet , Former Military Representative of Greece  to the NATO and EU 


​​ Brief Update No 25/08 Date: 07 Mar 2025


This document has been approved for distribution by Sea Guardian S.G. Ltd / Operations Department. The provided Intel and information derive from open sources, the Institute for the Study of War (ISW), the...

Five of the best of 2021

Five of the best of 2021

(Picture Credit: Shutterstock)

2021 is the year when Ever Given temporarily displaced the pandemic in news reports and showed the world how vital shipping routes are for our supply chains and the global economy as a whole; reminding us of the interconnectedness of everything. It was also a year when technology continued to influence our daily lives, by enabling many of us to continue to work from home and allowing more tasks and processes to be handled remotely.  

It was...

On The Top Woman in Shipping

On The Top Woman in Shipping

Irene Rosberg, Programme Director, Executive MBA in Shipping and Logistics (The Blue MBA), Copenhagen Business School

It gives us all in a great pleasure on the many mentioning, comments, discussions and debates – yes debates we had since the 19th of February 2021, when we announced the Top Woman in Shipping AND all those who made it in the 100 places. Our 2020 event surpassed any previous one, whether it was for men and women or just for...

Why more and more marine businesses are opting for one-stop-shop technology suppliers

Why more and more marine businesses are opting for one-stop-shop technology suppliers

Jakub Kwiatkowski, Vice President R&D, Hatteland Technology AS

In our current market, where focus on cost and Time to Market is higher than ever, we see a clear trend in which more and more marine businesses gravitate towards technology suppliers who can provide a multitude of products and services through one single point of contact.

These one-stop-shops offer comprehensive support covering many aspects of their...

Barman admits negligence when customer’s shirt catches fire… plus more

Barman admits negligence when customer’s shirt catches fire… plus more

Monaco; the marina and at the centre the Yacht Club de Monaco

Good Morning Monaco – Thursday, April 15, 2021

Barman admits being negligent when customer’s shirt catches fire

A seasonal employee of SBM decided to liven up the action at Jimmy’z by setting fire to a jet of alcohol at 2:40 in the morning of August 4, 2019. Unfortunately…

Six test positive in Monaco, six recover

Six Monaco residents tested positive for coronavirus on...

French vaccine phobia melts away… plus more

French vaccine phobia melts away… plus more

Monaco; the marina and at the centre the Yacht Club de Monaco

Good Morning MonacoFriday, April 9, 2021

French vaccine phobia melts away

Enthusiasm for vaccines has risen sharply in France, from 42 percent who wanted to be vaccinated last December to 70 percent earlier this week.

Happy ending for yacht transporter
A salvage team contracted by the Norwegian government has successfully boarded the Eemslift Hendrika yacht transporter that earlier in the week...

MARITIME Media Group / Morning News

MARITIME Media Group / Morning News

Latest news from MARITIME Media Group
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 The Ever Given’s prior form…
2019 collision in which the ultra large container ship, Ever Given, collided with a ferry in Germany was also blamed on strong winds, but no misconduct was found. The ultra large container ship, Ever Given, that has just been re-floated after six days aground in the Suez Canal, was involved in a collision with a […]
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Video: We have lift off! The Ever Given...

Anna Kaparaki / GIWA award in Shipping

Anna Kaparaki / GIWA award in Shipping

Anna Kaparaki with Seven Jones at the Propeller Club Liverpool & North West – a year ago at the maritime casino event raising money for the Mission to Seafarers and also for the Battle of the Atlantic memorial fund.

The 2nd GIWA Awards is on; we have received the following from Steven Jones, and we immy bring same to all our viewers’ attention:


Anna Kaparaki / GIWA award in Shipping

Dear Mr. Faraclas,

Good morning and hope all is well given the Covid...

China’s dollar pragmatism, Brexit negotiations: deal or no deal?

China’s dollar pragmatism, Brexit negotiations: deal or no deal?

Monday 14 September 2020   –  Vol.11 Ed.38.1

Commentary: Dollar dominance difficult to displace

By Kathleen Tyson in London

Speculation about the dollar’s decline is premature. The global financial plumbing will not change quickly or inexpensively.

It took a century of New York banks’ financial activism and extensive global interbank innovation and collaboration to make the dollar a hegemonic currency.

It will only...