VESSEL REVIEW | Wim Wolff – Coastal and mudflat research boat designed for Netherlands’ Wadden Sea

The Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (Nederlands Instituut voor Zeeonderzoek; NIOZ) recently welcomed a new coastal research vessel into service. The vessel has been named Wim Wolff after a Dutch ecologist who specialised in mudflat research. Aarnoud van de Burgt, the head of NIOZ’s National Marine Facilities Department, said the vessel is capable of […]

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Dutch sea research institute christens new coastal vessel

The Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (Nederlands Instituut voor Zeeonderzoek; NIOZ) formally named a new coastal research vessel in a ceremony on Thursday, February 15. The vessel has been named Wim Wolff after a Dutch ecologist who specialised in mudflat research. Aarnoud van de Burgt,...