253 Emma Mark, Executive Coach, EJB Coaching

Who leaves the maritime industry?

Meet Emma Mark, Executive Coach at EJB Coaching. She left the maritime industry for a while but has returned to contribute with her experience and knowledge.

We discuss our similar experiences as women in the maritime industry and share the good and the bad. What is the current role model when entering the industry? Has it changed, or do we need to take action to make it less traditional and moulded after its predecessors?

Are women in the maritime industry clear...


245 Alison Cusack, Principal Lawyer, Cusack & Co Pty Ltd

The Australian General Average Nerd

Alison Cusack, Principal Lawyer at Cusack & Co Pty Ltd in Melbourne, is an expert on General Average. If you have never understood the principles of the General Average, this episode is for you! In addition, there is no aspect of the maritime industry we don’t touch upon in our conversation. #everyconversationmatters 

What do you think about the concept of “Sea Embassy” as a way to solve the entire autonomous ship issue? Do you think that’s a way forward? 



244 Lina Buurstra, Rescue Leader, Joint Rescue Co-ordination Centre, Swedish Maritime Authority

Mayday! Who is answering your emergency call?

In episode 244, we meet Lina Buurstra, a Rescue Leader at the Joint Rescue Co-ordination Centre. She answers your call when you are in distress, and she knows how to make things right again.  Lina has a background as a Master Mariner before becoming a rescue leader.
We hear about what incidents stuck with Lina, and she also tells the behind-the-scenes story of what happened when the MARCO POLO went aground in Swedish waters last year.

Lina and her...


217 Lena Gothberg, Host and Producer of the Shipping Podcast

Why is it important with a diverse and inclusive maritime industry?

I was invited to the European Parliament to participate in a panel discussion on Empowering Women in the Maritime industry and the role of the EU, organised by Miss Vera Tax (MEP).
Since you were not there, and I took the time to prepare my interjections, I thought it would be a good idea to share my thoughts on this topic.
At a later stage, I might be able to share with you what was said since I have asked for the audio files...


214 Eman Abdalla, Global Operations Director for Cargill Ocean Transportation

There is so much spotlight today on diversity, inclusion and equity

What do you stand for? What are your values? What is your purpose? What is your goal? Those are the things the next generation is looking for. They will not choose to work for you if you don’t have the answer. Listen to Eman Abdalla, Global Operations Director for Cargill Ocean Transportation, describing what an attractive employer looks like.

Also, this episode is packed with good advice from a modern leader walking the talk and...


213 Lena Gothberg, Host and Producer, Shipping Podcast

In my honest opinion

Every conversation matters. That is something that I have realised over the years of producing the Shipping Podcast. We need to talk about the change we want, and we need to speak about what we want to achieve. And we need to listen to people with other viewpoints to understand the pain points and how we can make them less painful. 

Where do I find the Stars of the Sea to be guests on the Shipping Podcast? I often get that question, and here I spill the beans.

Do you have...


188 Alice Amundsen, Vice President/Senior Adviser Gard AS

To be able to make a difference in someone’s life

In episode 188, you will listen to Alice Amundsen, Vice President/Senior Adviser Gard AS. She has been the Head of People’s Claims, which means that she has been able to make a difference in other people’s lives.
We talk about the difficulties during the pandemic in giving medical assistance to crew onboard ships. Alice is appalled by the countries that refused t repatriate the bodies of the deceased seafarers. Seafarers must be designated...


180 Eugenia Benavides, Directora Marinos, Organización Terpel S.A.

What do you know about bunkering?

This episode introduces a maritime industry sector where the fuel to ships is handled.

We meet Eugenia Benavides, Directora Marinos, Organización Terpel S.A.
She gives us insights into a part of the industry that is also changing to keep up with changing times.

Of course, I cannot help myself, and I have to ask about what it’s like to work in a male-dominated industry and her view for the future.

If you have ideas for guests who have something to tell about the...


178 Sofia Lundmark, Master Mariner, Knutsen OAS

I like the lifestyle and I have been doing it for twenty years

Meet Sofia Lundmark, Master Mariner, who loves her work and is very honest about that. She loves the lifestyle of a seafarer, and she knows she will always be working in shipping.

We discuss digitalisation, electronic paperwork, HSQE Health, safety, quality and environment, and why. We touch upon the fact that few people see the reason behind all rules and regulations and that it takes a very long time to put them into force. 



177 Lindsay Malen–Habib, Manager Client Services, Resolve Marine Group

It’s all about salvage

With over 15 years of experience in Maritime Emergency Response and Business Development, Lindsay Malen–Habib, Manager Client Services, Resolve Marine Group, knows all there is to know about salvage. 
Lindsay is the first guest on the Shipping Podcast with a second appearance. If you want to listen to her first interview, search for episode #54 or her name; Lindsay Malen. 
Lindsay was elected as the first woman on the leadership committee of the American Salvage Association
