Stay alert and slow down through work zones

Large trucks are involved in one-third of all fatal crashes in work zones, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). The agency issued a press release last week detailing its findings, and urging drivers to stay alert, obey traffic signs and allow all vehicles extra space around them.

“Around most parts of the country, there’s two seasons: winter and construction,” said Reliance Partners Director of Safety Brian Runnels. 

Traffic cones and warning signs are supposed to...

FMCSA focused on work zone crashes in Florida, Georgia and Texas

High rates of work zone crashes involving large trucks in Florida, Georgia and Texas have earned those states special attention from federal regulators this week as part of a national safety campaign.

Motorists in those states can expect to hear public service announcements and see safety messaging on billboards as they approach work zones Monday through Friday during this year’s National Work Zone Awareness Week, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA).
