The percentage of women in the maritime industry is very low and has not changed for years.
world maritime university
Women visibility in sea-related sectors is crucial
The third WMU International Women’s Conference, Empowering Women in the Maritime Community that took place in April 2019, launched its report presenting the women and their presentations that participated and also focusing on the conclusions drawn and future steps that should be taken to boost women in shipping.
The 2019 Conference discussed the gend...
WMU, Canada join forces on gender equality in ocean science
The joint announcement was namely made by Dr. Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry, President of WMU, and Dr. Genvieve Béchard, Hydrographer General of Canada on behalf of the Government of Canada, through the...
WMU: Key actions to achieve gender balance in maritime
From 4-5 April, over 350 participants from more than 70 countries around the globe gathered at the World Maritime University (WMU) to address the gender gap in the maritime, oceans, ports, fishing and related industries.
A set of conclusions was the...
International Women’s Conference: Ensuring no woman is left behind
Remove structural barriers, build good networks and support quality education to ensure no woman, no girl is left behind in the maritime sector, were some of the themes reiterated by maritime leaders, speaking in World Maritime University (WMU) International Women’s Conference, on 4-5 April in Malmö, Sweden.
The third WMU International Women’s Conference, Empowering Women in the Maritime Community, reflects this year’s World Maritime Day theme set by IMO.
Opening the conference, WMU President...
IAPH launches Women in Ports Mentoring Program
The board of the International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH) announced the allocation of a budget fund of USD 10,000 to develop a Women in Ports Mentoring Program designed to attract, empower and retain female talent in the industry. The program seeks to empower women port professionals by linking them to both female and male expert mentors to expand their knowledge and prepare them to take up operational roles in the Smart Ports of the future.
The initiative builds on the activities...
E-learning to take over hands-on training in maritime industry?
Over 70% of the respondents of MarTID (Maritime Training Insights Database) survey initiative, World Maritime University (WMU) expect an increase in simulators and e-learning in the coming years. In year 2019, traditional classroom teaching, and simulation training are the most popular training methods for operators, while there has been much debate about whether e-learning in maritime industry works or not. Some believe there is no replacement for hands-on training, others believe there is.
Report: Despite Automation, Qualified Transport Workers Still Needed in the Future
The introduction of automation in global transport will be evolutionary, rather than revolutionary.
VIDEO: OMI – ¿Qué es una política nacional de transporte marítimo?
Según la OMI, el transporte marítimo es una parte central de la llamada “economía azul”, con un potencial enorme para promover el crecimiento económico y mejorar las vidas de las personas a la par que aborda varios de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible. Ahora bien, para que las naciones puedan...
What Is A National Maritime Transport Policy?
Maritime transportation is an essential component of any programme for sustainable development because the world relies on a safe, secure and efficient international shipping industry.
With this in mind, IMO developed a concept of a Sustainable Maritime Transportation System with a view to providing a blueprint for countries to develop their maritime transport infrastructure in a safe, efficient and environmentally sound manner, in keeping with the global process to develop Sustainable...