Did you know there are ships named after college football teams?

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FreightWaves Classics is sponsored by Old Dominion Freight Line — Helping the World Keep Promises....


The True Story Behind ‘1923’s Ghost Ship’

Credits: Alwi Alaydrus/ Unsplash
  • The Zebrina ran ashore on the coast of France in 1917. Up to this day, no one knows what happened to its crew.
  • Yet another real ship featured in “Ghost of Zebrina” is the RMS Mauretania.
  • The Zebrina was a real ghost ship that roamed the Atlantic sometime in the first half of the 20th century, more specifically in the final years of World War I. 

The fifth episode of Paramount+’s 1923, “Ghost of Zebrina,” is titled after one of the most fantastical things to...


Why do we have daylight saving time?

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There is almost one month until daylight saving time starts in 2023, and anyone with the winter...


COLUMN | Australia’s Ghost Shark: the end of conventional manned submarines? [The Boroscope]

Ten years ago, drones were a novelty, out of reach for the technically or financially inept. They were in an embryo stage and only the tech-savvy could build one. These d ..

The post COLUMN | Australia’s Ghost Shark: the end of conventional manned submarines? [The Boroscope] appeared first on Baird...


BOOK REVIEW | Innovating Victory: Naval Technology in Three Wars

It is often said that wars bring out the best and the worst in people. That was certainly very true of the three wars described in this excellent book. Those wars were th ..

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FreightWaves Classics/Pioneers: Lopez was first Hispanic American graduate of the Naval Academy 

Inactivated submarines at Mare Island Naval Shipyard on January 3, 1946. (Photo: U.S. Navy/ww2db.com)

FreightWaves Classics is sponsored by Sutton Transport, an LTL leader in the Midwest for more than 40 years. Sutton Transport proudly services Illinois, Minnesota, Missouri and Wisconsin. Request a quote here.

National Hispanic Heritage Month

National Hispanic Heritage Month is observed annually from September 15 to October 15. It celebrates “the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America.”



Famed merchant ship sunk by German torpedo in World War I found in Irish Sea

Researchers at Bangor University in the UK have identified a shipwreck lying at the bottom of the Irish Sea as a merchant vessel that sank after it was fatally struck by ..

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FreightWaves Classics/Pioneers: Smith was an early aviator who helped make history

Dean Smith delivering airmail in Pennsylvania. (Photo: Library of Congress)

FreightWaves Classics is sponsored by Old Dominion Freight Line. Click to find out how we can help your business keep its promises.

Dean Cullen Smith, an aviation pioneer, was born at his grandparents’ home in Cove, Oregon on September 27, 1899. After graduating from high school, he attended Principia College in St. Louis, Missouri, for two years. 

U.S. Army

In the summer of 1917, not long after the United States entered World War I, Smith enlisted in the aviation section of the U.S. Army’s...


FreightWaves Classics: 75th anniversary of U.S. Air Force founding (Part 2)

A P-26A in the livery of the 19th Pursuit Squadron, Wheeler Field, Hawaii. (Photo: USAF Museum)

FreightWaves Classics is sponsored by Old Dominion Freight Line.Click to find out how we can help your business keep its promises.

The 75th anniversary of the founding of the United States Air Force (USAF) occurred on September 18, 2022. The “birthday” of this branch of the United States armed forces was and is being celebrated by millions across the nation and the world. FreightWaves also celebrates this anniversary and salutes the men and women who currently serve and those who have served our...


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