A week on the US West Coast during the Covid pandemonium

As the pandemic has progressed through 2020 we have seen the ups and downs of economic activity and the struggles of an industry to maintain the vital trade links that support a nation. Consultant Jon Monroe chronicles these events weekly. As the Lunar New Year ends Monroe gives us his own, inimitable, take of the week in a Pandemic.

China is open for business. The year of the bull begins. Good luck to us all. This week we are hearing good news on the Covid front. Daily vaccinations are...


US drayage costs more than double as ocean rates spiral ever upwards

Rising costs in the US market have continued apace as the latest news reports suggest the cost of trucking has more than doubled, from US$35 to US$75/day, while some beneficial cargo owners (BCOs) are paying super-rates to ensure their cargo gets shifted, while others have decided the costs are too high and the service is too poor.

Meetings between carriers and authorities are expected to take place in China this week, with the Federal Maritime Commission and the EU both reporting that they are...


Spot rates hit unprecedented highs from Asia to Europe

Spiking freight rates have surged by 25% on the Asia to North Europe and the Mediterranean over the last week and now stand at triple the levels seen at the end of October according to the Freightos Baltic Index (FBX).

Meanwhile, on the Pacific freight rates dipped 7% to the US West Coast and 8% to East Coast ports, over the past week according to Freightos CMO Ethan Buchman. Rate levels were still more than double the levels of a year ago.

Regulators in China and the US have worked to keep a lid...


Container shipping on the Pacific ‘slides’ into New Year with new challenges

Ocean Network Express (ONE) brings some welcome news with the first signs that the challenges faced by logisticians are being overcome with eh announcement that its reefer congestion surcharge (CGS) has been suspended at its Tianjin/Xingang terminal effective from 28 December.

One is not alone, MSC also scrapped its Xingang CGS on 24 December, following the alleviation of congestion at the port.

Appreciated as this news is from ONE and MSC, Worldwide Logistics, in the form of consultant Jon...


Liner competition shifts focus to NVOCC’s

Today’s launch of CMA CGM’s SEAPRIORITY go and SEAPRIORITY get by CMA CGM reveals the confidence carriers have that t

he current surge in cargo on the Pacific will continue, but also shows the lines’ newfound ability to manage capacity, bolstering rates and carrier income.

SEAPRIORITY go will offer fast, 12-day, transit times from Yantian to Los Angeles with priority given to cargo out of Yantian to receive equipment and space on board the vessel. SEAPRIORITY get gives priority to...
