Risk specialist joins Navigate Response as Crisis Response Manager

Tom Adams

Risk specialist joins Navigate Response as Crisis Response Manager

Navigate Response, the global maritime crisis communication consultancy, announced today that Tom Adams has joined its expanding London team as a Crisis Response Manager.

Tom joins Navigate Response from the security sector where he assisted clients in preparing for special risk incidents including active assailant, kidnap and piracy events. With the maritime sector facing ever greater security and geopolitical...


Grupo Stier celebrates its 25th anniversary with reception in the City of London

Ida Stier greeting captain Chris Adams

Grupo Stier celebrates its 25th anniversary with reception in the City of London

by James Brewer.

Ida Stier, founder and chief executive of Grupo Stier, welcomed guests from many sectors of the maritime industry to a reception in London to mark the 25th anniversary of the group that carries her name.

The business is involved in an extensive range of shipping services – from training, to its role as P&I (protection and indemnity) correspondents, to ship agency,...


Lifeboat crews across Europe swap places

Image provided by Mats Ryde, SSRS, Exchange 2019

Lifeboat crews across Europe swap places

IMRF holds its 8th annual European Lifeboat Crew Exchange, where crew members swap places to learn about different equipment and gain experience in new locations.

The International Maritime Rescue Federation (IMRF) has successfully held its eighth European Lifeboat Crew Exchange Programme, with 72 maritime search and rescue (SAR) professionals from 14 countries across Europe taking part.

The programme which...


Training aid ship project set for launch

BMA chairman Kevin Slade

Training aid ship project set for launch

Ambitious plans are being launched for a £150m training and disaster relief ship with cutting-edge British technology.

Britannia Maritime Aid (BMA), a registered charity, aims to build the futuristic vessel in Britain.

It is officially launching its plans at the UK Chamber of Shipping on Monday September 9 during London International Shipping Week.

Maritime professionals and training experts have joined forces for project with backing...


Wallem-managed bulk carrier rescues Indonesian fishermen lost at sea for 10 days

Rescued fishermen and ISL Star Master

Wallem-managed bulk carrier rescues Indonesian fishermen lost at sea for 10 days

ISL Star, a bulk carrier managed by Wallem Group, together with the U.S. Coast Guard successfully retrieved a crew of eight Indonesian fishermen adrift for over a week after their boat lost power in the middle of the western Pacific.
The Hallelujar, a 60ft Indonesian-flagged fishing vessel of wooden construction, had been adrift for 10 days when on August 13th the AMVER vessel...


The IMRF Awards 2019 shortlist is announced

The IMRF Awards 2019 shortlist is announced

International shortlist showcases skills and commitment to saving lives at sea across the sector and around the world

The judges for the International Maritime Rescue Federation Awards 2019 have announced their shortlist, following careful consideration of the range of extremely compelling entries from around the world. Designed to honour the outstanding commitment of dedicated Search & Rescue (SAR) professionals and volunteers everywhere, the Awards...


Fleet Xpress leads the line as KOTUG International commits APAC services to high-speed connectivity

RT Kuri Bay – one of the three vessels used by KOTUG to serve the Shell Prelude facility

Fleet Xpress leads the line as KOTUG International commits APAC services to high-speed connectivity

Significant workboat breakthrough for Fleet Xpress after leading towing services provider KOTUG International commits to reliable high-speed connectivity off Western Australia

30 July 2019: Successful trials of Inmarsat Fleet Xpress off Western Australia have persuaded global tug operator KOTUG International to...


Marine and logistics company, Williams Shipping, is celebrating its 125th anniversary in 2019.

All the Directors and partners. Jonathan Williams (MD Logistics), Victoria Williams, Ulla Williams, Philip Williams (MD Marine), Colin Williams (Director) Heather Williams, Chris Williams (Director – Willbox), Emily Walden, Mary Williams, Eric Williams (Chairman)

Marine and logistics company, Williams Shipping, is celebrating its 125th anniversary in 2019. 

With headquarters in Southampton and offices in Pembroke and Aberdeen, the company provides specialist services and expertise to the...


Q2 2019 Tsavliris Activities

The bunkering tanker “A.Michel”

Q2 2019 Tsavliris Activities

On 12 May 2019, the Bunkering Tanker “A. MICHEL” (GRT 4,346 – DWT 6,711), laden with 1660 tonnes IFO 380 and 950 tonnes MGO, whilst anchored at Fujairah B anchorage, UAE, suffered an underwater explosion (reported as sabotage) by way of the engine room, causing an external gaping hole on her starboard side. This resulted in the vessel’s listing due to flooding and total black out.

Another three tankers were affected by similar...


IMRF elects new board

The new board with Theresa Crossley, CEO of the IMRF fifth from the left.

International Maritime Rescue Federation elects new board

IMRF members elected their new Board of Trustees yesterday (18 June) at their Quadrennial General Meeting (QGM) in Vancouver. The meeting followed on from the 4th World Maritime Rescue Congress, which brought together maritime search and rescue specialists and equipment providers from around the globe  The new Trustees, who will serve a four year term, then held an...


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