WTO, FAO, WHO urge food trade to keep flowing

The heads of the World Trade Organization (WTO), the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) called governments to minimize the impact of COVID-19 related border restrictions on trade in food.

As countries move to enact measures aiming to halt the accelerating COVID-19 pandemic, the three organizations noted that care must be taken to minimize potential impacts on the food supply or unintended consequences on global trade and food security.



WTO: Merchandise trade numbers weak in 2020

The World Trade Organization published its goods trade analysis for December 2019, and the results indicate that “trade volume growth may continue to weaken into early 2020,” even without taking the COVID-19 (coronavirus) epidemic into account.

Specifically, the WTO statistics presented that the volume of world merchandise trade was declined by 0.2% in the third quarter of 2019, in comparison to the previous year. Yet, although the year-on-year growth figures for the fourth quarter may pick up...


Japan proceeds with WTO dispute over S. Korean shipbuilding measures

Japan has formally requested WTO dispute consultations with South Korea regarding alleged subsidies provided by the S. Korean government to its shipbuilding industry. Japan’s request was circulated to WTO members on 10 February.

Specifically, Japan claims the challenged measures, which include funds, loans, guarantees, insurance and other financing, are inconsistent with the WTO’s Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures (SCM Agreement) and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade...


Japan complains to WTO over South Korean shipbuilding measures

Japan has filed a petition against South Korea with the World Trade Organization, in which it accuses Seoul of providing excessive aid to the domestic shipbuilding industry. Last week, Japan called South Korea to talk regarding the matter based on WTO rules. However, if the negotiation fail, Japan will seek to establish a dispute settlement panel.

Two years ago, Japan had filed again a similar petition, claiming that financial assistance worth ¥1.2 trillion that the South Korean government...


Carriers getting increasingly nervous as protectionist policies gain ground

Ocean carriers are getting increasingly nervous over trade tensions and state–subsidised competitors, as protectionist policies continue to gain ground across the globe. 
Several shipping bodies, including the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), Asian Shipowners’ Association (ASA) and European Community Shipowners’ Association (ECSA) took to the floor of the WTO this week to express their concerns. 
They presented two papers to the WTO, stating they were “fully committed to the...


La OMC analiza el impacto de Blockchain en comercio internacional

La Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC) ha publicado un análisis del potencial impacto de la tecnología blockchain en el comercio internacional: Blockchain y comercio internacional: oportunidades, desafíos e implicaciones para la cooperación comercial internacional.

Esta entrada La OMC analiza el...


The Bulletin: Up in the air

December 2018 Vol.9 Ed.11
The state of globalisation
From the UK’s Brexit challenge and US unilateralism, to trade wars and European immigration concerns, the unifying theme that preoccupied liberal policy-makers in 2018 was the political threat to economic globalisation and how best to share the benefits of an interconnected world.

For the last Bulletin of 2018, we invited contributors to review the state of globalisation. They address the increased importance of the regulatory component in...


WTOI signals further loss of momentum in trade growth

World Trade Outlook Indicator signals further loss of momentum in trade growth into Q4

Trade growth is likely to slow further into the fourth quarter of 2018 according to the WTO’s latest World Trade Outlook Indicator (WTOI) released on 26 November. The most recent WTOI reading of 98.6 is the lowest since October 2016 and reflects declines in all component indices. It is below the previous value of 100.3 and falls under the baseline value of 100 for the index, signalling that trade growth in the coming months is expected to be below-trend.

The continued moderation in the overall...


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