Why do we have daylight saving time?

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There is almost one month until daylight saving time starts in 2023, and anyone with the winter...


Maritime History Notes: Pioneering LNG carriers

LNG oversea shipments began only 62 years ago.

The explosive growth in natural gas consumption was made possible by a revolutionary means of sea transportation.

Today, shipment of liquefied natural gas (LNG) is a routine maritime event. There is a fleet of over 300 ships capable of carrying such cargoes, including many ships with the ability to carry 100,000 tons or more. Earlier this month, it was reported that the daily charter rate for a ship was $350,000. This is the highest rate ever paid for a cargo ship. However, it was only 62 years...


Maritime History Notes: Tankers landed for Apollo program

WWII ships converted for Apollo program

In May of 1961, President John F. Kennedy committed America to landing an astronaut on the moon by 1970. Preparations to accomplish this amazing feat began soon thereafter. In addition to the actual rocket and space capsule, worldwide communication monitoring and tracking of the space shot were of major concern. This is where three laid-up World War II T-2 tankers supplied the solution.

T-2 Tanker (Photo: Captain James McNamara)

The three were chosen from a class known as Mission tankers of the...
