YM Eternity released by AMSA

Yang Ming Marine Transport Corp. on 11 February published its statement about YM Eternity arrest in Sydney.

First of all, Yang Ming confirms that container ship YM Eternity has been released from arrest on 10 February 2020 and normal cargo operations has been resumed immediately.

With regard to the YM Efficiency incident happened in June 1st 2018, Yang Ming and its insurer responded quickly and effectively to the incident with the immediate allocation of very significant resources and manpower to...


One year after YM Efficiency incident: Clean up efforts continue

One year after the YM Efficiency containers overboard incident residents are still collecting plastic cups and containers from along the Port’s beaches.

But if there is one silver lining to have come from the incident, it is the community that it has created.

“People really do care,” Fingal Bay resident Pamela Smith said. “When it first happened, it was amazing to see how much people were prepared to stand up and help [clean up efforts].

“I was given bags, gloves, time, labour. I even had a man...
