Seafarers Stories: Capt. Dimitrios Giannakis, Master

Our ‘Seafarer Stories’ new column hosts seafarers’ views who present briefly the key challenges of life and work onboard, providing a picture of what a career at sea actually means. In this context, we are happy to host an interview with Capt. Capt Dimitrios I. Giannakis, Master of LNG/c Maran Gas Asclepius who works with Maran Dry Management since 2013.

Capt. Dimitrios says that being a captain is a dynamic and challenging work since the captain is responsible for crew’s performance and at the...

Seafarers Stories: Capt. Dimitrios Liakakos, Master

Our ‘Seafarer Stories’ new column hosts seafarers’ views who present briefly the key challenges of life and work onboard, providing a picture of what a career at sea actually means. In this context, we are happy to host an interview with Capt. Dimitrios Liakakos, Master of MV Maran Spirit who works with the Maran Dry Management Inc. since 1980.

Capt. Dimitrios shares two important cases while onboard and encourages all seafarers to have faith and patience while on duty, since daily life at sea...

Seafarers Stories: Capt. Georgios Athinaios, Master

Our ‘Seafarer Stories’ new column will host seafarers’ views who will present briefly the key challenges of life and work onboard, providing a picture of what a career at sea actually means. In this context, we are happy to host an interview with Capt. Georgios Athinaios, Master of MV Desert Challenger who works with the Atlantic Bulk Carrier Management Ltd since 2001.

Capt Georgios explains that becoming a captain was a dream career since he was a child. Every day at sea is a challenge, he...

AAPA granted over $5,8 million under ‘Closing the Skills Gap’ program

The US Department of Labor has chosen the American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) for a grant of $5,888,738, under the Apprenticeship: Closing the Skills Gap grant program.

The apprenticeship is expected to help AAPA to expand leadership within maritime community regarding professional development and training, noted AAPA President and CEO Chris Connor.

Last week, the Department of Labor announced the awarding of grants to 28 public-private apprenticeship partnerships totaling nearly $100...

Svitzer strengthens commitment to gender equality

According to a recent statement, Svitzer showed its commitment to focus and work towards reaching gender equality within the shipping industry by signing the Kvindercharter. This initiative, which was hosted by Danish Shipping, saw a total of 14 industry players signing the Charter to support the increase of female professionals employed within the shipping industry.

Namely, the document compels the signees to devise a strategy to increase the proportion of women in their companies, ensuring...

ITF Seafarers’ Trust launches new OSH training program

ITF Seafarers’ Trust launched a new three stage occupational safety and health education program for port workers in Aqaba, Jordan.

Specifically, this program features an app based awareness raising component followed by face-to-face training and work place assignments- and is designed to increase worker participation in the OSH agenda, complementing company initiatives where they exist creating a safer environment for both dockers and seafarers visiting the ports.

ITF Regional Secretary, Bilal...

Supporting women leaders: A win-win case for shipping

As ILO informs, the participation of more women in leadership roles is a major field of the global fight to equality. Besides, there are still indicators ringing the bell for the global community to shed its efforts for enabling more women in core business positions.

Currently, only 27% of the women employed hold managerial positions– while the share of female managers has hardly changed in two decades. According to ILO estimates, there are far fewer women than men in management globally, and...

Dutch initiative promotes offshore wind careers to adolescents

The Dutch Wind Energy Association (NWEA), offshore energy education institute DOB-Academy and international leading recruitment company Atlas Professionals have teamed up on an initiative to promote careers at the offshore wind sector to adolescents and, subsequently, fill the upcoming human capital gap on Netherlands’ offshore wind sector.

The initiative, called ‘Renewables Roadshow’, seeks to support a substantial growth of the pool of qualified professionals, needed to realize the development...

Call to end exploitative recruitment fees for seafarers and fishers

Human Rights at Sea published its latest briefing note concerning the exploitative recruitment fees in the maritime industry and further calls for an end to such fees for workers in a call to action.

Namely, Human Rights at Sea note that such “misleading and exploitative recruitment practices by some labor recruiters and overseas employment agencies are a continued blight on raising social welfare and human rights standards in the global maritime sector”.


