EMSA Outlines Ammonia Acceptance Path

The ‘Potential of Ammonia as Fuel in Shipping’ study published by European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) found ammonia (NH3) to be a potential long-term bunker fuel for the shipping industry, reports Baltic Exchange.

The study was conducted by the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), CE-Delft, and Arcsilea.

Potential of Ammonia as Fuel in Shipping

It found the material could enter the market relatively quickly and offer a zero, or a near-zero, carbon solution (on a tank-to-wake basis and in some...


EMSA commissions studies on alternative fuels and technologies

A series of studies commissioned by the European Maritime Safety Agency aims to provide decision makers and stakeholders with an updated and thorough overview of the potential of different sources of power for ships, including a review of the risks associated with their use, an analysis of the regulatory gaps, as well as an economic appraisal of the costs for retrofitting existing ships or building new ones.

EMSA has awarded the contract for studies to a consortium led by ABS, along with CE...


The Future Of LNG As A Marine Fuel

Today, LNG-fuelled vessels amount to approximately 13% of the current newbuild order book and estimates for 2021 and beyond show continuing growth in many classes of vessels, reports The Maritime Executive.

Reducing the carbon footprint 

Importantly, 2020 also saw the first uses of bio-LNG by deep-sea ocean vessels, thereby reducing the carbon footprints of these vessels.

The reasons for this expansion are clear. Ports and cities around the world are beginning to take the threat of air pollution...


Bunker fuels see uptrend despite IBIA’s forecast

The persistent worry that world economies are not recovering from the coronavirus lockdowns robustly enough to absorb a new increase in oil production is still the downward driver on the global fuel market.

At the same time, International Bunker Industry Association’s (IBIA) members expect significant 2020 bunker demand drop due to the Covid-19 crisis.

However, the World Bunker Index MABUX has demonstrated a slight upward evolution for a week, as all 380HSFO, VLSFO and MGO indexes increased.



Studies Highlight LBM and LSM As Viable Bunker Fuel

  • SEA-LNG released the latest in its series of independently conducted reports.
  • It analyses the availability and costs of Liquefied Bio Methane (LBM) and Liquefied Synthetic Methane (LSM).
  • They are available in sufficient quantities to make a contribution towards future decarbonization.
  • Costs need not be significantly higher than those of other low- and zero-carbon fuels.
  • They are commercially competitive relative to other low- and zero-carbon fuels.

According to an article published in...


Delft’s Preliminary Scrubbers Assessment Shows Negligible Port Impact: MEPC74

The Clean Shipping Alliance (CSA) 2020 says that the preliminary results of an independent study indicate that accumulated concentrations of residues from exhaust gas scrubber wash water are at very low levels and well below applicable regulatory limits, reports MarineLog.

What does it indicate?

CSA 2020 Executive Committee Member Poul Woodall, Director, Environment & Sustainability, DFDS, said: “So far, for all parameters considered, the equilibrium concentrations are indicating annualized...


European Commission study suggests three short-term measures to reduce shipping emissions

A study led by CE Delft and UMAS, funded by the European Commission, analyzes potential short-term measures listed in the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) initial strategy on the reduction of GHG emissions from ships.

The report presents two policies to further improve the EEDI. The first is to bring forward the implementation date of Phase 3 of the EEDI from 2025 to 2022 and introduce a fourth phase in 2027.

The second is a policy to apply the EEDI to current ships. According to this...


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