241 Kshitij Parashar, Program Lead of Cargo Visibility, Digital Container Shipping Association, DCSA

Continuous visibility into container whereabouts

This episode is sponsored by the Digital Container Shipping Association (DCSA). Learn more about their efforts in shaping the digital future of container shipping at https://www.dcsa.org/ 

In this episode, we dive into the digital transformation of the container shipping industry with insights from the Digital Container Shipping Association (DCSA)
Kshitij Parashar is the lead of the digital container shipping association’s program for cargo...


240 Chris Sunderman, Program Lead Banks, Digital Container Shipping Association, DCSA

Accelerating trade digitalisation

This episode is sponsored by the Digital Container Shipping Association (DCSA). Learn more about their efforts in shaping the digital future of container shipping at https://www.dcsa.org/ 

In this episode, we dive into the digital transformation of the container shipping industry with insights from the Digital Container Shipping Association (DCSA). We discuss the significance of digital standardisation and how it shapes global trade’s future.

Chris Sunderman,...


FreightTech Friday: Gartner critiques real-time-visibility market players

Technology research and consulting firm Gartner recently released its Real Time Transportation Visibility Platform (RTTVP) report, highlighting the space’s top performers while suggesting areas for improvement.

The company describes RTTVPs as platforms engineered to offer real-time tracking and status updates on orders after they leave the warehouse, using integration with carrier systems or telematics for data gathering. The report assesses various levels of complexity in RTTVP implementation,...


223 Slavia Kristina Jumelet, Product Owner for Operational Efficiency Standards, Digital Container Shipping Association

Industry-standard in the container business

Slavia Kristina Jumelet is a Product Owner for Operational Efficiency Standards at the Digital Container Shipping Association (DCSA), a neutral, non-profit group founded by major ocean carriers to digitise and standardise container shipping. DCSA member carriers include MSC, Maersk, CMA CGM, Hapag-Lloyd, ONE, Evergreen, Yang Ming, HMM and ZIM.
Slavia Kristina has an extensive background in shipping, even though she started studying mathematics. She...


CargoX to provide blockchain FreightTech to former TradeLens users

Blockchain document transfer facilitator CargoX announced Tuesday it will be partnering with CEBS Worldwide to facilitate bill of lading digitalization for former TradeLens customers.

In 2018, IBM and GTD Solution, a division of Maersk, launched the blockchain platform TradeLens with the principal objective to leverage technology to eliminate the use of paper BOLs in global shipping.

While TradeLens was able to onboard global carriers — CMA CGM, MSC Mediterranean Shipping Co., Hapag-Lloyd, Ocean...

Q&A: CargoX COO sees TradeLens’ failure as learning opportunity

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What does the demise of TradeLens mean for the standardization of supply chain technology?


JIT Arrivals on the Rise in Container Shipping

Just-in-time arrivals are progressing, but there is still some way to go in terms of digitalising container ports, reports Riviera Maritime.

The move within the container shipping sector for deploying just-in-time port calls is gaining momentum – but there are still challenges to overcome.

Container Shipping & Trade’s Digitalising container terminal operations: where, why and how webinar assembled a panel to discuss topics spanning the development of standardisation of port data, the development...


DCSA and ESC cooperate for the adoption of DCSA standards

There is a growing need for closer collaboration between cargo owners and ocean carriers to improve cargo visibility and data communication, which has also been shown by supply chain issues.

In light of the above, the Digital Container Shipping Association (DCSA), a neutral, not-for-profit group established to further standardise the digitalisation of container shipping, and the European Shippers’ Council (ESC), representing cargo owners, are proceeding to joint collaboration to accelerate the...


DCSA, BIMCO, FIATA, ICC and SWIFT form Future International Trade Alliance and sign MoU to standardise digitalisation of trade

Graphic: digital trade concept. Graphic: component images Kookay and Gerd Altmann via Pixabay. Montage: Shipping Australia.

By the Digital Container Shipping Association

Digital Container Shipping Association (DCSA), a neutral, non-profit group established to further digitalisation of container shipping technology standards, in conjunction with its nine member carriers, today announced the formation of the Future International Trade (FIT) Alliance with the signing of a memorandum of...
