Helping drivers stay healthy — Taking the Hire Road

In a job that requires a lot of sitting, eating on the go and isolation, truck drivers struggle to set aside time for their health. One young and motivated entrepreneur is working to help.

“Drivers’ health is one of those issues that is easier to sweep under the rug and forget that it’s there rather than actually provide a solution,” said Mark Manera, founder of The Trucking Fitness Co.

According to Manera, there are roughly 4 million full-time truck drivers in North America and 85% are...

High school CDL curriculum incorporates interactive fitness program

The best way to live healthy is to start habits early. That is the goal of one Patterson, California, high school truck driving instructor, who has revamped his curriculum with a fitness app to emphasize the benefits of staying active and eating well as a truck driver.

“We want to make sure that those who choose this industry are going to have long and healthy careers,” said Dave Dein, an instructor at Patterson High School.

Through its partnership with the Next Generation in Trucking Association...

10 exercises for truckers at rest stops

Here are 10 exercises for truckers.

Exercising while at rest stops and gas stations is a great way for truckers to stay healthy and keep moving. Here are some exercises chosen for truckers because they are effective and require little equipment, space and time.

Walking lunges

It’s easy for drivers to find space to do walking lunges around their truck or at rest stops. Truckers should try to keep the angles between their thighs and calves at 90 degrees to protect knees and ensure an effective workout.

Walking lunge demonstration
