Malibu trailer theft reminder of vulnerability of carriers’ assets

The worst nightmare of every business owner became reality last December for one Malibu, California, homebuilder, “John”: His trailer and $300,000 worth of wood inside it were stolen from his garage.

While John had secured his trailer, that did not deter the persistent criminal, who busted the lock and sneaked away in the night with his haul.

Not only did the theft jeopardize John’s ability to do his job, but it also could have risked his reputation with his customer, and company as a whole.


Asset protection begins with location monitoring

Cargo security has been a concern on the radars of many shippers and carriers in recent years, but during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic worries mounted as cargo thefts spiked in transportation hubs across the U.S.

Two years after shutdowns caused by the pandemic began, the logistics industry is still grappling with cargo theft.

Image: LandAirSea

LandAirSea Executive Vice President Brad Kurtz is seeing an increase in theft in both big and small cities and across all of the nearly 60 market...

Do you know where your chassis are?

container chassis

Container chassis may be simple assets, but there is nothing simple about tracking their location throughout the U.S. supply chain.

Chassis providers and technology developers in recent years have chipped away at the challenge to electronically track usage of these assets with shippers, third-party logistics providers (3PLs), carriers, marine terminals and rail ramps.

“The problem is that there are many parties and systems involved when using chassis to dray containers,” Glenn Jones, global vice...