Höegh & Germany Firm Up Second 10-year FSRU Charter Deal

Credits: Höegh LNG

Höegh LNG has signed a binding 10-year charter with the German government for the supply of the floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU) Hoegh Gannet, reports OE Digital.

The FSRU vessel will be based at the Deutsche Energy Terminal GmbH-run Elbehafen LNG project in Brunsbüttel. The Elbehafen LNG project is developed by RWE and its subsidiary Elbehafen LNG in close cooperation with its partners, Höegh LNG.

We are proud to sign the second contract with the Federal...


COLUMN | European liquefied natural gas demand surges as floating regasification gold rush begins: Hoegh, Exmar and New Fortress to the front of the queue [Offshore Accounts]

The Russian invasion of Ukraine in February last year sparked a rush for gas in Europe, as the Nordstream pipelines were blown up in the Baltic Sea and President Vladimir ..

The post COLUMN | European liquefied natural gas demand surges as floating regasification gold rush begins: Hoegh, Exmar and...
