Capes’ contained rise and perplexed figures rule the day… plus the 2020 saga

John Faraclas

The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) gained four points and now stands at 1,574; Geopolitics in total mess and the Environment another issue to be appropriately tackled… John Faaclas’ daily recap:

The Capes’ BCI was up 51 points and now stands at 2,199… Are the capes sustainable or just volatile, or another bubble? We shall see…

Just one point plus for the Panamaxes’ BPI now at 1,679 points; caution…

The Supras too on one point; the BSI managed to clinch  this one very special point and now...

IMO 2020 Low-Sulphur Rule Exposes Widespread Concern About Lack Of Fuel Cost Transparency – Drewry

pollution sunset

There is considerable unease among global shippers/BCOs (Beneficial Cargo Owners) and freight forwarders ahead of the IMO’s 2020 global emissions regulations, due to come into force on 1 January 2020, according to a survey conducted by global shipping consultancy Drewry.

Particular uncertainty and concern was expressed by respondents in both the survey and follow-up interviews about carriers’ methods of fuel cost recovery with more than half of all respondents (56%) stating that they did not...

Strengthening women in African maritime sector

Africa’s Blue Economy, job opportunities, mentorship, marine environmental protection and addressing gender-based violence, were addressed at the 9th regional conference of the Association of Women Managers in the Maritime Sector in Eastern and Southern Africa (WOMESA) held in Antananarivo, Madagascar, from 26 to 28 September.

Under the theme “Opportunities and challenges facing African women in advancing the maritime sector”, about 60 participants from the region discussed and exchanged ideas...

Infographic: Complying with BWM Convention

The International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004 (BWM Convention), entered into force globally on 8 September 2017. In this infographic, IMO presents ways to comply with the BWM Convention.

The IMO treaty countering the threat to marine ecosystems by potentially invasive species transported in ships’ ballast water entered into force globally in September 2017.

One year on, the number of ratifying States stands at 77, representing just over...

MAJ Deputy DG to Chair IMO sub-committee

Claudia Grant, Deputy Director General of the Maritime Authority of Jamaica

Claudia Grant, Deputy Director General of the Maritime Authority of Jamaica (MAJ), has been elected chairman of an important sub-committee of the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

An experienced maritime professional, Mrs Grant now chairs the Sub Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments (III), having been elected during the 5th session of the Sub Committee held September 24-28, 2018 in London. She has...

HFW helps BIMCO draft first 2020 Bunker Clause

Paul Dean, Head of Offshore, HFW

Global, sector-focused law firm HFW has helped shipping association BIMCO draft its first clause relating to the International Maritime Organization’s 2020 sulphur emission rules.

The new clause, focused on compliance, has been fast-tracked and may be published as soon as the end of October.

BIMCO will produce several clauses dealing with specific issues relating to IMO 2020, which sets a new limit for the amount of sulphur in fuel oil of 0.5% for ships operating...

Maersk issues new rules for stowage of dangerous goods on its box ships

Maersk Line has announced it is deploying new guidelines for the stowage of containers on its vessels.
And it wants the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to review its guidelines for the handling and carriage of dangerous goods.
The move follows a wide-ranging review, carried out in conjunction with classification society American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), following the fire on the Maersk Honam this year, which resulted in five crew members losing their lives.
While the results …


Key safety issues addressed at IMO CCC5

The 5th session of IMO’s Sub-Committee on Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC), held on 10-14 September 2018, addressed key shipping safety issues related to dangerous cargo. Among the highlights was that the Sub-Committee agreed amendments to IGF Code and IMSBC Code, as well as draft interim guidelines for the safety of ships powered by methanol.

–>IGF Code-related matters

Gas and other low-flashpoint fuels provide for a cleaner atmosphere as they emit very low levels of air pollutants, but...

VIDEO: OMI – ¿Qué es una política nacional de transporte marítimo?

Según la OMI, el transporte marítimo es una parte central de la llamada “economía azul”, con un potencial enorme para promover el crecimiento económico y mejorar las vidas de las personas a la par que aborda varios de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible. Ahora bien, para que las naciones puedan...

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