probunkers submits request for LNG bunkering license in port of Singapore

probunkers submits request for LNG bunkering license in port of Singapore

Alexander Prokopakis

Athens, Greece, December 16th, 2020 – probunkers responded to the Request for Proposal (RFP) of The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) for new licensees for supply of LNG as a marine fuel in the port of Singapore.

The submission request for an LNG bunkering license for the port of Singapore is aligned with the business plan of the company.  Over the last two years the management team of probun...

MPA refreshes R&D partnership with ABS

The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) and ABS have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to renew their partnership in maritime research, development and innovation.

Under this agreement, MPA and ABS will collaborate on projects relating to decarbonisation, Artificial Intelligence (AI)-driven decision support tools, predictive maintenance, cybersecurity and other cutting-edge technologies critical to the port and ships of the future.

Christopher Wiernicki, ABS chairman,...

MPA takes measures against coronavirus

The Government of Singapore is taking measures to protect the country against the novel coronavirus pneumonia development. As part of these actions, the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) has implemented temperature screening at all sea checkpoints.

The specific checkpoints will be at ferry and cruise terminals, PSA Terminals and Jurong Port, for inbound travellers from 24 January 2020, 12:00 hours onwards, said the MPA.

Travellers and ship crew arriving at sea checkpoints will...

MPA launches Singapore’s First Maritime Sustainability Reporting Guide

The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA), together with its partners – Singapore Exchange Limited (SGX), Global Compact Network Singapore (GCNS), Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants (ISCA), and sustainability consultants from Ernst & Young LLP, KPMG and PwC Singapore, have launched the first sector-specific Maritime Sustainability Reporting Guide on Aug 19 at an event witnessed by around 150 guests.

The Guide provides a practical framework, including best practices for...

Singapore Shipping Association holds inaugural Tech and Demo Day, announces formation of Digital Transformation Committee

The inaugural Tech and Demo Day aims to help shipping companies adopt technological innovations by bridging the industry with technology start-ups

Singapore Shipping Association Holds Inaugural Tech and Demo Day, Announces Formation of Digital Transformation Committee

Initiatives aimed at accelerating the adoption of technology by shipping companies while embracing challenges in the age of digital disruption

The Singapore Shipping Association (SSA)—the industry voice of Singapore’s maritime...

MPA inaugurates new 24/7 cybersecurity centre

Mr Niam Chiang Meng, Chairman of the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA), opened a new 24/7 Maritime Cybersecurity Operations Centre (MSOC) on May 16. The MSOC will be operated by ST Engineering in its Hub.

MSOC will conduct 24/7 monitoring and correlate data activities across all maritime Critical Information Infrastructure (CII). It will have the capability to (a) detect and monitor cyber-attacks by analysing activities in the IT environment; (b) detect anomalies and threats; and...

Joint Industry Program in Singapore aims to boost the use of additive manufacturing in the maritime industry

JIP participants at the DNV GL AM technology Centre of excellence, March 2019

Joint Industry Program in Singapore aims to boost the use of additive manufacturing in the maritime industry

Singapore, 09 April 2019: DNV GL has been appointed as the lead researcher of the first phase of a new Singapore-based program to study the feasibility of additive manufacturing (AM), or 3D printing, in the maritime industry. In a Joint Industry Program (JIP) initiated by the Maritime and Port Authority of...

MPA, IALA develop joint e-Navigation workshop

MPA’s announcement:

The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) is co-organising a workshop with the International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) to support the operationalisation of e-navigation solutions, the first since Singapore’s election to the IALA Council in 2018.

E-navigation, a concept driven by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and like-minded nations including Singapore, aims to make marine navigation safer and marine...

Wihelmsen launches drone delivery project

Wihelmsen’s press release:

Launching this week in partnership with Airbus, Wilhelmsen’s shore-to-ship Singapore pilot project, marks the first deployment of drone technology in real-time port conditions, delivering a variety of small, time-critical items to working vessels at anchorage.

Lifting off from Marina South Pier in Singapore with 3D printed consumables from Wilhelmsen’s onshore 3D printing micro-factory, the Airbus Skyways drone navigated autonomously along pre-determined...