Adoption Of Amendments To MARPOL Annex VI

credit- marine life

The IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee, which addresses all environmental issues within the IMO’s remit, held its 79th session, says an article published on clydeco.

Amendments to MARPOL annexes

Among the meeting highlights were the amendments to MARPOL annexes.

Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI were adopted to establish a Mediterranean Emission Control Area (ECA) for sulphur oxides and particulate matter. The requirement will be the same as for other sulphur ECAs,...

Alphaliner: Líneas marítimas critican nuevo sistema de calificación de intensidad de carbono CII

Las líneas marítimas critican el nuevo sistema de calificación de intensidad de carbono (CII) y a su vez piden una reevaluación de su metodología.

Esta entrada Alphaliner: Líneas marítimas critican nuevo sistema de calificación de intensidad de carbono CII Aparece primero en FullAvanteNews.

OMI: Regulación de emisiones de carbono entran en vigor el 1ro de noviembre de 2022

La OMI destaca las regulaciones para introducir medidas de intensidad de carbono entran en vigor el 1ro de noviembre de 2022, en aras de la reducción de las emisiones de carbono para frenar el cambio climático.

Esta entrada OMI: Regulación de emisiones de carbono entran en vigor el 1ro de noviembre...

IMO regulations to introduce carbon intensity measures enter into force on 1 November 2022

Graphic: an artistic representation of atmospheric carbon dioxide – a clear, colourless, gas. Graphic credit: Matthias Heyde via Unsplash.

Amendments to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) Annex VI enter into force on 1 November 2022. Developed under the framework of the Initial IMO Strategy on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships agreed in 2018, these technical and operational amendments require ships to improve their energy efficiency in the short...

Updated Marine Notice On Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems

Marine notice is to advise vessel owners, operators and masters of Australia’s requirements for the use of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems (EGCS), says an article published on AMSA.

Domestic law

To support compliance with the sulphur limit of 0.50 mass per cent concentration (m/m) in fuel oil as required by the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) Annex VI and Australia’s domestic law.

Prior to first arrival

The updated marine notice provides guidance on the...

Oily Water Pollution Prosecutions To Continue?

Two recent magic-pipe prosecutions by the US DOJ demonstrates the aggressive pursuit of vessel owners and operators whose crews discharge oily water, writes Blank Rome partner Keith Letourneau, reports Riviera.

Violating the US Act

In May 2022, shipmanager Liquimar Tankers Management Services  and vessel owner Evridiki Navigation were sentenced in Delaware federal court for violating the US Act to Prevent Pollution from Ships (APPS, the US equivalent of MARPOL, the International Convention for...

IMO releases updated analysis of MARPOL Annex VI

Pictured: the concept of environmentally-friendly, or green-shipping. The image shows a chemical tanker. Photo credit: Shaah Shahidh via Unsplash.

By the International Maritime Organization

The IMO-Norway GreenVoyage2050 Project has released an updated version of its popular clause-by-clause analysis of MARPOL Annex VI, which addresses air pollution from ships, in the six official IMO languages. The document provides a breakdown explanation of each regulation and it is intended to be a useful...

Tips For Safe Fuel Oil Changeover Before Entering ECAs

Ships operating in Emission Control Areas (ECAs) are subject to the international regulation MARPOL Annex VI – “Prevention of Air Pollution by Ships”, while other local regulations worldwide also have their own limit requirements for sulphur emissions from ships (eg. EU Ports, China ECA, Hong Kong & Taiwan, etc.)., reports Safety4Sea.

The sulphur limits

When entering the designated regions, vessels are required to change fuel oil in order to comply with the sulphur limits. This means that, before...

IMO 2020 regulations led to 77% drop in sulphur dioxide emissions

Pictured: clean skies. Photo credit: Chandan Chaurasian via Unsplash.

Earlier this week the International Maritime Organization, the specialised UN agency that regulates global shipping, reported that the IMO 2020 low sulphur regulations have led to a 77% drop in sulphur oxide emissions from ships.

“Thus significantly improving air quality and protecting human health,” the IMO said in a statement.

On 1 January 2022, new global rules in Annex VI of Marpol (the global ship-source pollution...