Port of Galveston to have new cruise terminal

The Port of Galveston announced on December 5 that it signed an MOU with Royal Caribbean Cruises for the development and operation of a new cruise terminal. The new facility is expected to start operations in fall 2021.

Namely, the long-term lease negotiations could lead to a 60-year transaction: a 20-year initial term and four 10-year options.

What’s more, information about the cost and design haven’t been announced yet. However, details concerning the terminal were published and focused on the...


Port of Cromarty Firth to build new energy and cruise hub

The Scottish Port of Cromarty Firth announced that Roadbridge UK Ltd has won the contract to construct the new £30 million Energy and Cruise Hub. The build will start in January 2019, with work expected to be completed by spring 2020.

The Port’s tender process included conditions to ensure maximum benefits to the local community from the project. These included:

  • Sustainable employment for priority groups, including the unemployed;
  • Targeted recruitment and training for modern apprentices and work...


Busan agrees with Port of Rotterdam for new sustainable warehouse

The Port Authority of Busan issued with the the Port of Rotterdam Authority a Letter of Intent for the allocation of a 5 to 10 hectare site on the Maasvlakte Distribution Park West. It is the second LOI signed in a short time for this distribution site, which is considered as a premium logistics location.

The Maasvlakte Distribution Park is linked by road, rail and water and is located very near to high-frequency deep-sea and short-sea connections. The new Distripark is also located conveniently...


Napier Port to accommodate large ships

Napier Port’s resource consent applications to construct an additional wharf on its container terminal and conduct further dredging have been approved. The Port will now be able to accommodate larger and bigger ships.

By increasing the number and the size of ships able to accommodate, Napier Port will alleviate the increasing congestion caused by rising cargo volumes.

Over the last three years, Napier Port was trying to ensure the project has minimal environmental impact. For this reason, it...


Port of Klaipeda announces large-scale projects

Large-scale projects have been initiated in the Southern part of Klaipeda Seaport. These projects will lead to an improvement of ecological footprint. In addition, the projects on capital dredging works and dredging of soil from dock pits in Malku Bay will be launched soon.

The key goal of the projects is to reach the depth up to 14.5 meters in order to load to  full extent the Panamax type vessels and to repair them. Namely, it has been planned to excavate about 1,5 million of cubic meters of...


Quay construction starts at Port of Rotterdam’s HES Hartel Tank Terminal

On behalf of Port of Rotterdam Authority, the companies Boskalis, Van Hattum en Blankevoort and Mobilis is constructing a deep-sea quay, inland navigation quay and jetty for the new HES Hartel Tank Terminal on the Hartelstrook (Maasvlakte 1).

To make the tank terminal able to accommodate large oil tankers and inland vessels, the consortium is constructing a 1,200-metre quay wall for sea-going vessels, an 1,100-metre quay wall and a 350-metre jetty with four berths for inland vessels, as well as...


Port of Gothenburg builds new terminal

The construction of a new terminal in the outer area of the Port of Gothenburg has started. Phase 1 started with piling earlier in the week. The 220,000 square metre terminal will be constructed using dredge spoils contained by an embankment, and is scheduled to be completed around 2025.

The terminal will cover an area of 220,000 square metres and will be built using 350,000 cubic metres of dredge spoils from the river, the Göta Älv. The spoils come from routine dredging conducted to maintain...


Port of Valencia aspires to be the third port in Europe

The Port Authority of Valencia (APV) presented the results of the study of “Economic Impact of the ports of the Port Authority of Valencia in 2016”. During the presentation of the study, the president of the APV, Aurelio Martínez stated that with the launch of new infrastructure, Valencia can find its way in the first three ports in Europe.

Currently, Valencia Port is 28th in the world ranking of ports in container traffic thanks to its 96 regular lines that connect it with 870 ports on five...


Philippines approve upgrade of Manila Terminal

The Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) approved the capacity improvements at the Manila International Container Terminal (MICT), the flagship operation of International Container Terminal Services (ICTSI).

The first phase of the expansion will be the construction of Berths 7 and 8, which will begin on October 15. The second phase, will begin in February 19 after getting the final approvals and it will add full back up area for the future berths 9 and 10.

The berth expansion, which will have a...


New tank storage terminal to be built in the Port of Antwerp

SEA-Tank and MOL Chemical Tankers will collaborate in a joint venture named SEA-MOL NV in the port of Antwerp, Belgium. The two companies will construct and operate a multi modal chemical tank storage terminal in the Port of Antwerp.

SEA-MOL NV will secure 20.8 hectares of concession terrain at the Delwaidedok in Antwerp from Antwerp Bulk Terminal. SEA-MOL NV will also enter into an agreement with the Port of Antwerp for a further 24.4 hectares of land near to the above concession terrain.

