CVTA: Trucker wages at stake in Florida’s CDL exemption request

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WASHINGTON — Flexibility sought by the state of Florida in the current CDL training regulations...

Florida seeks help for truckers failing pre-trip inspections

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WASHINGTON — CDL applicants in Florida may have a faster road to getting a license if testers in the...

How to winter-proof your pre-trips

It may be cold outside, perhaps bone-chilling in your neck of the woods, but that’s no excuse to skimp on your pre-trip inspections.

Reliance Partners Vice President of Safety Brian Runnels encourages truckers to brave the elements and go above what’s required of your pre-trips this winter to check for ice-related issues that could freeze you in your tracks if not addressed.

“I know it’s cold and it’s not fun to be out there in those conditions, but get out there and do your pre-trip,” Runnels...