252 George S. Leone, President and Chair of the Board of Homecoming 250

Homecoming 250, the celebration of the U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps’ 250th anniversaries

Mark your calendar for October 9 -16, 2025, to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps in their birthplace – Philadelphia and the Delaware River – as a grand opening event of the Semiquincentennial of the United States.
In episode 252, George S Leone, the President and Chair of Homecoming 250, presents the entire project, how it came about and what to expect.

For the Navy...


245 Alison Cusack, Principal Lawyer, Cusack & Co Pty Ltd

The Australian General Average Nerd

Alison Cusack, Principal Lawyer at Cusack & Co Pty Ltd in Melbourne, is an expert on General Average. If you have never understood the principles of the General Average, this episode is for you! In addition, there is no aspect of the maritime industry we don’t touch upon in our conversation. #everyconversationmatters 

What do you think about the concept of “Sea Embassy” as a way to solve the entire autonomous ship issue? Do you think that’s a way forward? 

