Data driven decision making in maritime supply


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  With 40 years of experience in the maritime industry, SpecTec knows what great data looks like, and that is why the partnership on integrations between SpecTec and Source2Sea’s product …

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Factor 8 offers virtual sales tips to navigate recession, industry change

Sales is a lot like baseball, according to Lauren Bailey, president and founder of Factor 8. “You can’t get home, if you can’t get on first (base).” It just so happens that getting to first base is one of the most difficult aspects of a salesperson’s job — that initial conversation.

“You could be the best seller with the best demo in the world or you could have 37 years of logistics experience that you’re willing to share, but unless you can get somebody to talk to you and listen, it doesn’t...

Amazon to host second Prime Day-like sale in October

Amazon Prime delivery

As the saying goes, lightning never strikes in the same place twice. But when you’re the world’s largest marketplace, the rules don’t always apply.

Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) seems to think it’s captured that lightning in a bottle. After another electric Prime Day sale that saw consumers pour billions of dollars into the e-commerce giant, Amazon on Monday introduced the Prime Early Access Sale, a two-day event that resembles Prime Day in everything but name. It’s the first time the company is hosting...

Axle Logistics partners with university to foster sales leaders of tomorrow

Brokers remain top M&A targets

The nationwide unemployment rate continues to hover near historic lows, and companies across the supply chain are feeling the squeeze. The driver shortage is a popular topic of discussion, but talent is currently lacking across various roles within the industry. 

Unemployment across all industries sat at just 3.4% in May, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The unemployment rate within the transportation industry is slightly higher than the national average, coming in at 4.5% for...

Social media is the new cold call

At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, companies across all industries had to turn to technology in order to continue day-to-day business. Meetings took place over video calls, conversations moved to email, office space became living rooms and office equipment was inaccessible. Generating leads and prospecting became more difficult since people didn’t have access to their office phones. 

Varstar Alliance, based in both the U.S. and Canada, is a freight brokerage dedicated to ensuring all cargo...

3PL recap: Motivating sales teams during tough times

This 3PL Summit chat focuses on motivating sales teams during tough times.

This fireside chat recap is from FreightWaves’ 3PL Summit.

FIRESIDE CHAT TOPIC: Motivating your team through tough times and using technology to meet goals.

DETAILS: FreightWaves reporter Grace Sharkey sits down with Cassie Pless to discuss the importance of motivating your team through tough sales cycles. Pless describes the importance of leveraging modern technology to guide sales teams through downturns and showcases that with the correct tools, sellers can better reach their performance goals.

Sales & Marketing recap: Attracting talent amid the Great Resignation

Experts chat about how to attract talent amid the Great Resignation.

This fireside chat recap is from FreightWaves’ Sales & Marketing Summit on Wednesday.

FIRESIDE CHAT TOPIC: The Great Resignation and attracting sales talent in 2022

DETAILS: Employees are resigning at record rates as jobless claims return to pre-pandemic levels. Kevin Hill, executive publisher at FreightWaves, and Adrian Chapman discuss how freight sales professionals are evaluating companies and how companies are attracting and retaining top freight sales talent.

SPEAKER: Chapman is the owner and...

Sales & Marketing recap: Scaling up with FreightTech

This fireside chat recap is from FreightWaves’ Sales & Marketing Summit on Wednesday.

FIRESIDE CHAT TOPIC: Scaling up sales with FreightTech

DETAILS: Your company won new business but can it sustain it? In this fireside chat, Nick Dangles, co-founder of FreightTech consulting firm Kinetic, describes the problems of scaling sales within logistics companies and how the tech companies he works with help solve the range of challenges logistics providers inevitably face.

SPEAKER: Nick Dangles,...