The future of PEMEs

Ronald Spithout from OneHealth by VIKAND gives his impression on how PEMEs should become a more valuable “health pulse” for crew and industry. PEMEs are an accepted method of Pre-Employment Medical Examination and are meant to safeguard vessel operations and crew welfare. They are widely used by...

Shipping Round Table raises concerns on unjust treatment of seafarers

The Round Table of International Shipping Organizations is increasingly concerned about a rise in the unjust treatment and criminalization of seafarers.

The chairpersons of the Round Table’s four member organizations — BIMCO, the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), INTERTANKO and INTERCARGO —met in Athens, February 6, to discuss topics that includied greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction and the impact of geopolitics on shipping. But by far the most important topic on the agenda was how the...

UN reviews regulation as seafarers revealed to work 74% above global average

Following exhaustive research showing how jobs onboard are still too 24/7, the United Nations’ International Labour Organization (ILO) will look to tighten up the language surrounding work/rest regulations at sea at a Special Tripartite Committee of the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC), scheduled...