Steven Jones, the founder of the Seafarers Happiness Index, reflects on the frustration about the treatment of seafarers in many ports around the world. When thinking about seafarers’ happiness, it is tempting to assume their greatest challenges occur far out at sea. However, new insights reveal a...
El encarcelamiento de 14 meses de la tripulación Galaxy Leader por parte de los hutíes se acerca a su fin
X/@army21ye Ya han pasado 429 días desde que la tripulación del Líder de la galaxia Los hutíes han tomado como rehenes a un portaaviones en Yemen. Sin embargo, por primera vez durante estos 14 meses de encarcelamiento hay esperanzas de que los 25 miembros de la tripulación puedan ser liberados de...
Galaxy Leader crew’s 14-month incarceration by the Houthis nears its end
It has now been 429 days that the crew of the Galaxy Leader car carrier have been held hostage by the Houthis in Yemen. However, for the first time during this 14-month incarceration there is hope that the 25 crewmembers could be freed imminently in connection with the phase one ceasefire agreed...
Building a fair and resilient maritime industry
Susanne Justesen, director of human sustainability at the Global Maritime Forum, writes for Splash today, delving into seafarer wellbeing. The global shipping industry faces a paradox: while it is the backbone of international trade, it lags in transparency and human sustainability standards. Amid...
InterManager battles seafarer criminalisation
InterManager, the international trade association for the shipmanagement sector, is calling on shipping industry colleagues to contribute to a new campaign to highlight the issue of criminalisation of seafarers. InterManager said in a release it is concerned at the “increasingly harsh” treatment of...
InterManager Launches Campaign to Tackle Criminalization of Seafarers
The maritime industry is being urged to take action to address the alarming rise in criminalization of seafarers. A new campaignInter from InterManager, the international trade association for ship management,…
Terrifying record number of seafarers left to rot at sea
Cases of crew abandonment more than doubled last year from 2023’s record levels to set an alarming new high with experts linking the rise to the ongoing growth of the so-called shadow fleet. According to data from the International Maritime Organization (IMO) there were 310 cases of crew...
Marcos hails new Magna Carta of Filipino Seafarers regulation
President Ferdinand Marcos witnessed the signing of the implementing rules and regulations of the Magna Carta of Filipino Seafarers on Wednesday, three months after the law’s enactment, one of the most important new pieces of regulation to hit the world’s top crewing nation in a generation. The...
Children’s book published exploring family separation
As the holidays approach for much of the world, marine insurance specialist the Swedish Club and Mental Health Support Solutions (MHSS) have produced a children’s book designed to explain why parents working at sea spend so much time away from home. The story Our Family and the Sea explores the...
How do you investigate crimes at sea?
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Investigative reporting about activities at sea is a unique specialty requiring distinct tools and tactics. How can I find open-source footage evidence of human rights abuses or illegal fishing … |