Matthew Duke, Chief Business Process Officer, Grieg Star

Meet the environmental scientist who fell into IT, which made him fall into the maritime industry focusing on digitalisation & innovation, Matt Duke, Chief Business Process Officer, Grieg Star.  

Matt started his maritime career with Odfjell, where he became Global Head of IT and built up a fascination for the shipping industry, which he wanted to become better via IT and to save money by a more structured way of working.

When it became time to move on there was a choice between shipping &...

Lasse Kristoffersen, CEO of Torvald Klaveness

Lasse Kristoffersen started in Torvald Klaveness in 2007 heading up the business unit Klaveness Maritime Logistics.
In September 2011 he was appointed new Chief Executive Officer for Torvald Klaveness and became the first company CEO from outside the Klaveness family.

Lasse describes the journey from a genuine, traditional shipowner to a true digital organization ready to meet the demands of the future and how everyone in Torvald Klaveness will be invited to take part in that journey.

I met Lasse...


Ingrid Due Gundersen, CFO Hoegh Autoliners

Ship finance, an exciting rare side of the maritime industry. How does it work, where is the capital? Can that capital be accessed by the new start-ups, or is that only for the traditional borrowers? Who is better to answer all my questions than Ingrid Due Gundersen, now CFO of Hoegh Autoliners, one of the 10 women to watch for the future in the maritime industry?

We also chat about what it’s like to be a woman in a male-dominated industry, where you attend dinners with forty people and you are...