Yard management system accomplishes new levels of efficiency at SCCT

The Navis N4 Expert Decking Module, the system which automates yard planning, has resulted in major efficiencies in yard and quay operations at APM Terminals’ Suez Canal Container Terminal (SCCT). The system is used to automate planning by distributing containers throughout the yard based on predefined rules. Typically yard planning is extremely time-consuming, costly and inaccurate.

The Navis system aims to optimise the storage of containers in the most efficient manner, leaving more time for...


Suez Canal’s revenues decrease by 8.8% in November

Egypt’s Suez Canal revenues fell in November, down around 8.8 % from October’s revenues as data showed from the cabinet’s website published on January 15. Although the Suez Canal reached the second highest daily traffic ever recorded on January 2 with 72 vessels with an overall tonnage of 5.1 million tons sailed through the canal, the revenues experienced a decrease.

Mainly, during November 2018, the Suez Canal experienced a decrease of  $461.5 million in comparison to $506.1 million that were...


Suez Canal reports second highest traffic

Traffic on the Suez Canal reached the second highest daily traffic ever recorded on January 2, Suez Canal Authority Chairman Mohab Mamish informed. Specifically, 72 vessels with an overall tonnage of 5.1 million tons sailed through the canal.

Namely, 33 vessels passed through the canal coming from the north, while 39 ships came from the south. Moreover, 12 giant vessels with cargo that was over 150,000 tons per ship crossed the canal as well. In addition, 7 large ships with cargo ranging between...


Suez Canal extends toll discounts for crude oil tankers

The Suez Canal Authority (SCA) has decided to extend discounts regarding oil tankers to another year due to the recent developments of the shipping industry and the global economy.

SCA’s decision ultimately aims to encourage more ships to transit the Suez Canal. Suez Canal Authority issued circular no. (1/2018) on 9 January 2018, concerning “Crude Oil” tankers (Laden or Ballast), coming from ports of the US Gulf, Caribbean area and Latin America heading to Asian ports. This circular shall remain...


Suez Canal conducts one of the most challenging passages

On Tuesday, December 25, 6 highly trained and well experienced pilots and 5 large tugs of the Suez Canal Authority (SCA) carried out one of the most difficult transits this year as they navigated a giant floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) unit through the canal.

The vessel’s trip was within the southbound convoy as she was heading from Italy to Dubai, through the new Suez Canal where special navigational aids are provided and the route is clear of severe curves.

Upon directives...


Insight: Merchant shipping lacks safety net as GPS disruptions intensify

In the second part of this double feature, Katherine Dunn investigates an emerging security risk for the shipping industry, as maritime authorities report a rising number of GPS failures

Interrupting GPS— even the GPS of a large vessel — requires just three simple steps.

“Disrupting GPS signals into these vessels is as easy as buying a GPS jammer off the Internet, hooking this to an amplifier and an antenna, and pointing the antenna at the intended target vessel,” says Todd Humphreys, who directs...
