Enterprise Fleet recap: How health and wellness can improve driver retention

This fireside chat recap is from FreightWaves’ Enterprise Fleet Summit.

TOPIC: How health and wellness can improve driver retention.

DETAILS: Truck drivers face numerous obstacles to leading a healthy lifestyle, but these obstacles can be overcome. Fleets can use wellness plans to recruit and retain drivers as well as drive down insurance costs.

SPEAKERS: Dr. Mark Manera, founder and CEO of The Trucking Fitness Company (TFC), and FreightWaves’ Grace Sharkey.

BIO: As a physical therapist working...


10 exercises for truckers at rest stops

Here are 10 exercises for truckers.

Exercising while at rest stops and gas stations is a great way for truckers to stay healthy and keep moving. Here are some exercises chosen for truckers because they are effective and require little equipment, space and time.

Walking lunges

It’s easy for drivers to find space to do walking lunges around their truck or at rest stops. Truckers should try to keep the angles between their thighs and calves at 90 degrees to protect knees and ensure an effective workout.

Walking lunge demonstration



Prioritize the health and well-being of your drivers

Since March, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced many companies to operate remotely. The sudden change in work-life balance has been challenging but has also provided peace of mind for concerned workforces. In addition to avoiding rush hour traffic and the 9-5 grind, working remotely has become an attractive alternative for those looking to spare themselves from infection. However, not everyone is afforded this luxury. 

Truck drivers across the country are just as concerned about the coronavirus as...
