IPCC: Limiting global warming to 1.5°C requires rapid and far-reaching change

Limiting global warming to 1.5°C would require rapid, far-reaching and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said in a new report, noting that limiting global warming to 1.5°C compared to 2°C could go hand in hand with ensuring a more sustainable and equitable society.

The Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C was created after invitation from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) when it adopted the...


Daniela Fernandez, Founder & CEO, Sustainable Ocean Alliance

Attending the Opening Oceans Conference, which creates a roadmap for maritime business leaders to explore the new ocean economy options, discover synergies with their existing businesses, meet investment and gateway partners and make profitable strategic decisions, in Copenhagen early May 2018, I met Daniela Fernandez, a passionate young woman who wants to engage young people in innovation, change and new ideas about how to use the Ocean space. Daniela is the Founder & CEO of the Sustainable...


Despite the global financial turmoil the BDI’s renowned volatility is here to stay…

John Faraclas

The BDI was up 53 points earlier on today and now stands at 1,503 points surpassing the crucial but also psychological threshold of 1,500. The Geopolitical turmoil coupled with the Trade War, Sanctions, Tariffs will soon become a catalyst and the shit will hit the fan… John Faraclas’ brief recap:

The Capes’ BCI with 42 points plus are recapitulating and hopefully the 2,000 point mark will be conquered subject the trade war easy’s down… Let the 1,910 points be the base…

The Panamaxes’...


VIDEO: OMI – ¿Qué es una política nacional de transporte marítimo?

Según la OMI, el transporte marítimo es una parte central de la llamada “economía azul”, con un potencial enorme para promover el crecimiento económico y mejorar las vidas de las personas a la par que aborda varios de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible. Ahora bien, para que las naciones puedan...


UN program coordinates operation to limit containerized smuggling

44 countries and 52 seaports took part in a two-week maritime enforcement operation in the second quarter of 2018, in order to disrupt the flow of possible container shipments contaminated with drugs.

The operation made 14 seizures and confiscated a total of 5,814 kilograms of cocaine. It also resulted in improved risk profiling and enforcement techniques, and increased awareness of this crime.

The operation was held under the UNODC-World Customs Organization (WCO) Container Control Programme...


Convocatoria de articulos: abordar la corrupción en la industria marítima

Convocatoria de artículos – Abordar la corrupción es oportuno y urgente. Según el Banco Mundial, “las empresas y las personas pagan un estimado de $ 1.5 trillones en sobornos cada año. Esto representa aproximadamente el 2% del PIB mundial, y 10 veces el valor de la asistencia para el desarrollo en...
