Africa Declared Polio Free, Lessons for COVID19 Vaccination

Countries with Polio cases.

Africa has been declared free from wild polio by the independent body, the Africa Regional Certification Commission, reports BBC

  • Polio usually affects children under five, sometimes leading to irreversible paralysis. Death can occur when breathing muscles are affected.
  • Twenty-five years ago thousands of children in Africa were paralysed by the virus.
  • The disease is now only found in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
  • There is no cure but the polio vaccine protects children for life.
  • Nigeria is the last...

How Pandemic Devastation Shape the Modern ‘Pandemic Recipe’

Picture of large room with floor divided into squares and people sitting on red stools in each one.

As the pandemic rages the lessons on how to end it becomes more vital and this is what Richard Conniff the author of the upcoming book ‘Ending Epidemics’ is trying to elaborate in this month’s National Geographic cover story.

Here’s what he says.

The Collective Feeling of a Pandemic

On a Sunday early in March, as the COVID-19 outbreak was racing across the planet, the U.S. Coast Guard cutter Pike pitched and rolled en route to the cruise ship Grand Princess, waiting 14 miles off the coast of...

Johnson & Johnson To Begin Phase 3 COVID19 Vaccine Trials

According to a  Reuters report, Johnson & Johnson has announced that they are aiming to begin in September a late-stage study of their experimental vaccine for the novel coronavirus, as researchers work at break-neck speed to develop a shot to combat the fast-spreading pathogen.

Why is it important?

The New Brunswick, New Jersey-based healthcare conglomerate, which expects to start human trials of its vaccine this month, lags other companies that also are developing coronavirus vaccines, with...

BCG Vaccine Protecting People Against Coronavirus?

According to an article published in then Sun, an anti-tuberculous vaccine that was given to thousands of British schoolchildren could protect against coronavirus, experts claim.

What is it?
  • The Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) jab was developed a century ago to increase immunity to TB — a bacterial lung infection.
  • The BCG vaccine that was given to thousands of British schoolchildren could protect against coronavirus, experts claim
  • Pupils aged between ten and 14 were given the mandatory shot every...