SEPA Praised For Its Strict Regulations As Compared To The Polar Code

On 20 November 2020 the 75th session of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) approved a ban on the use and carriage of so-called ‘heavy fuel oil’ (‘HFO’) in the Arctic, reports Lexology.

Amending The Polar Code

The new regulation amends the International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters (the Polar Code), as implemented in the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL). The proposed amendments are...

Shippers Embrace ‘Tough Times’ Amid Spiraling Bunker Surcharges

With the oil prices heading north again, ocean carriers are preparing to ramp up low-sulphur fuel surcharges to add to the misery of shippers struggling with sky-high freight rates, surcharges and premium fees, reports the Loadstar.

Brent crude & HSFO prices take a hike

The price of Brent crude has increased by 41% since early September, to $55 a barrel, with an 8% spike alone last week driven by Saudi Arabia’s pledge to cut output.

During the same period, heavy fuel oil (HFO), consumed by ships...

How Different Fuel Systems Work On Ships

A normal heavy or intermediate fuel oil treatment process begins with the oil loaded into the bunker tank, says an article published on ShipInSight.

Oil treatment process

Under normal circumstances the fuel will not be used immediately and should be analysed to confirm its specifications match the order and that it is appropriate to burn in the engine.

Transporting the fuel into the settling tank

Assuming the fuel has passed any analysis tests, it will be pumped from the bunker tanks to the...

Why Mauritius Oil Spill Insurance Claim Can Lead Upto $10 Billion?

An assessment of the Mauritius Oil Spill that happened 3 months ago reveals the extent of the damage and how the insurance claims can mount upto $10 Billion, says an article published in Forbes.

Three months ago, a major oil spill by Japanese-owned vessel, The Wakashio, unleashed between 210,000 and 300,000 gallons of heavy fuel oil into Mauritius’ coral lagoons in the Indian Ocean.

Last week, some of the remaining oil that was salvaged from the Wakashio is believed to have leaked from storage...

Scrubber Market Readies for Rebound Amid Anticipations

The scrubber market is ready for a rebound as suppliers anticipate promising quicker installations and new technologies, says an article published in Riviera Maritime Media.

Scrubbers an attractive investment

Based on various factors, scrubbers can be an attractive investment for shipowners for emissions compliance. Few factors listed are:

  • equipment price, 
  • installation cost, 
  • how many days a ship sails within an emissions control area, 
  • the price differential between HFO and MGO, 
  • fuel...

[FAQ] Killer Facts About HFO Which Highlights Its Disastrous Nature

Engine room

Heavy Fuel Oil has been in the news again over the past 8 days since a Japanese bulk freight carrier on the coral reefs of the Indian Ocean Island of Mauritius started leaking Heavy Fuel Oil into its crystal clear waters on 6 August 2020 but what is it in the heavy fuels that make it so disastrous, the Forbes Writer, Nishan Dignarian tries to find out.

As the full magnitude of the unfolding disaster in the Indian Ocean becomes clearer, could this be a wake-up call to international shipping and...

Rising LSFO Costs Threaten Shipping Lines

  • Alphaliner has reported instances of idle containerships waiting for compliant fuel.
  • Several laden ships are at anchor waiting for LSFO bunker.
  • Singapore-based PIL is the most affected with six vessels anchored off its home port.
  • Singapore has a high demand for LSFO for the compliant fuel to over $700 per ton.
  • Intra-Asia carriers will be badly hit as HFO industry bunkers were available at below $300 per ton.
  • Rotterdam is showing a wide disparity with Singapore, with LSFO currently at $580 per...

Yang Ming: 51% μείωση των εκπομπών το 2019

Σε πλάνα για τη δημιουργία και την ανάπτυξη ενός περιβαλλοντικά φιλικού στόλου είχε προβεί πριν από δέκα χρόνια η εταιρεία Yang Ming Marine Transport Corp. Όπως φαίνεται, οι προσπάθειες του ταϊβανέζικου κολοσσού βρίσκονται προς τη σωστή κατεύθυνση, καθώς ο μέσος όρος εκπομπών άνθρακα του στόλου της σημείωσε πτώση κατά 51% το 2019, σε σχέση με τον αντίστοιχο μέσο όρο του 2008.

Ως εκ τούτου, η εταιρεία κατάφερε να συμμορφωθεί πλήρως με τους στόχους του IMO για το 2030, οι οποίοι περιλαμβάνουν τη...

Preparations, Flexibility, Timely Action – The Key To Smooth IMO 2020 Transition

According to Peter M. Grunwaldt, the Vice President of Hafnia Bunkers, there are three pivotal steps that could change the course of IMO 2020 regulation and make way for smooth implementation.

During late 2019, the maritime industry was gearing up to IMO 2020. The logistical complexity and financial repercussions were going to be huge. While living and working through this step change, Hafnia Bunkers found that preparation, flexibility and timing were all essential for a smooth, efficient...