Social media is the new cold call

At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, companies across all industries had to turn to technology in order to continue day-to-day business. Meetings took place over video calls, conversations moved to email, office space became living rooms and office equipment was inaccessible. Generating leads and prospecting became more difficult since people didn’t have access to their office phones. 

Varstar Alliance, based in both the U.S. and Canada, is a freight brokerage dedicated to ensuring all cargo...

The transactional customer is always right — Put That Coffee Down

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It’s an adage in business that a customer might always be right and that may be true, but a client often needs help to get to the right choice. Does your business have transactional customers or consulting clients? And how do you change your sales approach depending on the answer to that question?

Kevin Hill and Richie Daigle welcome transportation lawyer and fellow FreightWavesTV host Cassandra Gaines of MadGaines Live on this episode of Put That Coffee Down to discuss how sometimes giving...

Top 5 books for freight sales — Put That Coffee Down

On this episode of Put That Coffee Down, Kevin Hill and Richie Daigle discuss the importance of continuing education in sales. Salespeople should remember that skilled professionals continue to read and learn. 

They share the five books they think everyone should read to get a top-notch sales education. 

Hill’s list:

  1. “How to Win Friends & Influence People” by Dale Carnegie.
  2. “The 10X Rule” by Grant Cardone.
  3. “Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die” by Chip Heath and Dan Heath.
  4. “Never...

Leveraging the power of pricing — Put That Coffee Down

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As freight rates fluctuate daily, it is important to have the most current data in order to price yourself into finalizing a sale. 

On this episode of Put That Coffee Down, Kevin Hill and Richie Daigle talk about how to take that data and make it actionable to close deals and make margin when pricing freight. They use examples from the new SONAR TRAC release to explain how decision making can help you fully leverage pricing power. 

You can find more Put That Coffee Down episodes and recaps for...